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It was somewhat strange having to stand at attention in your father's presence, and yet you were mostly used to it by now. Your eyes followed his every move as he paced, the man looking through your file. He was frowning as he read the results of your psych evaluation, the added notations regarding your latest discrepancy. The only solace you could take was that 'Cindy Liu' was not known to him. The scowl on your father's face deepened when he remarked over the fact that your main task was to prepare Commander Ren's quarters. A droid could do that, he said with a sneer. His eyes darted to you, and you could see the disappointment on his face as clear as day. You lowered your gaze, your shame not pretend.

"Slept the entire day?" He was gritting his teeth as he spoke. You flinched at his tone, muttering out a Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir. in a hope to appease him. You were well aware that it would not work. "What were you thinking?"

"I...was tired, Sir. Maybe PMS, Sir," you said in hopes that you would garner either sympathy or that your excuse would embarrass him enough to change the subject. Instead the man looked down at your file, no doubt looking for when your last menstrual cycle was. "Probably not, Sir."

You endured another fifteen minutes of his expressed disappointment before your father, Commander (L/n), at last dismissed you to tend to your daily duty of preparing Commander Ren's quarters. He wrinkled his nose at the thought of what you were doing. He believed that you were capable of better things, and in truth you were. All the same, you did not complain—outwardly. On the inside you were half-wishing that you were given something to do other than fulfill Kylo Ren's every whim. It was not only your sense of duty that had you continuing to do so, but a slight amount of fear, and an even smaller amount of intrigue. And, of course, as loath as you were to admit it, Commander Ren really knew what he was doing with his lightsaber.

You wandered down the corridors, accompanied by Lieutenant Mitaka when he had noticed you. He seemed as professional as ever, however you could see him in your peripheral sneaking glances here and there. Neither of you quite knew what it meant, that you had given him a blowjob. That the two of you had been dry-humping like horny teenagers. You may be simply friends—superior and underling?—with benefits. Or you could be something more. When the two of you could not hear or see anyone else, you both turned to the other.

He closed his mouth, nodding his head to indicate that you could speak first. "It was nice, Lieutenant."

"Your father is unaware, correct?" You caught yourself before you could give him a sarcastic look and settled instead for nodding. "It's...unprofessional—"

"Only if we start having an actual relationship," you said, blinking. "Or if you begin giving me preferential treatment. On a vessel this large... I'm sure plenty of the officers have sexual encounters with their subordinates. It's consensual, and..." You shrugged. A 'friends with benefits' relationship with Lieutenant Mitaka was definitely something you could go for.

He was blushing adorably when he nodded at last. Dopheld Mitaka cleared his throat, dismissed himself, and walked away as you watched him leave. You then continued to Commander Ren's quarters, where you began things by changing the sheets. The man whose quarters you were in arrived when you were nearly done pulling the new pillowcase over the pillow. You looked over your shoulder at him, tilting your head when the door closed and he removed his helmet. His eyes had darted to you, his brows furrowed.

"Commander (L/n) is acting in the capacity of your father, not of his position." His disapproval was nearly overridden by his confusion.

You nodded, releasing a sigh. "Yeah, it is sort of...awkward. He's yelling at me as though he's my father and not my superior. I mean, really, General Hux or...or technically you could have punished me. Commander (L/n) should not have come here." The Master of the Knights of Ren crossed the room, plopping down on the stool and watching you smooth out his sheets. "Did he... Uhm, did he say something to you?" You had never before seen the man in front of you so thrown off.

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