Phil Wrath

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Wilbur watched his brother fight air with his sword, did he feel bad about scaring Tommy? Not really the kid had made it pretty obvious he was going to be a little demon from the beginning. The brats glaring made it quite clear.

"Maybe we shouldn't have been so ruff on him." Techno mutters seemingly read Wilbur's mind. The pink haired boy lowers his sword looking toward his brother.

"No he is going to cause problems." Wilbur says looking away from the intense stare. Techno shakes his head putting the blade away. "You caused problems." Techno's monotone voice scolds him making Wil roll his eyes and groans.

"Whatever, he'll get over it."

"Will he Wil? Will he?" Techno crosses his arms, Wilbur looks up at him before standing up from his bow throne. He goes to say something but his eyes cut over his brother's shoulder to Phil standing on the bottom step.

"What did you two do?" Techno jumps nearly a foot before whiping around to Phil, this would normal had made Wil fall to the ground laugh but not this time. "Um." Wilbur and Techno looked toward each other trying to come up with an answer.

"Wil. Techno." Phil says shaking his head as he came down the last step crossing his arm. Both boys looked to the ground despite them both towering over the man the disappointed dad engery was too strong for either of them.

"Wilbur's idea! I just stood there." Techno yells out, Wilbur turns his head in shock, mouth open. "YOU THREATENED HIM AS MUCH AS ME, YOU FILTHY TRAITOR!" He howls at him, he was not going to stand for this betrayal.

"YOU THREATENED TOMMY?!" Both boys flinch as Phil yells at them, earning the scolding of a life time and a promise to be grounded until further notice. Wilbur knew they'd be lucky if they ever saw sun again.

Techno and Wilbur slowly look at eachother as Phil walks back up stairs. "You're still a traitor." Wilbur jokingly mutters to him with a smirk, Techno gently punches his shoulder with a chuckle. "Ow." Wilbur puts his hand on the arm before lightly shoving his brother.

The two fight over who could go up the thin basement stairs first, Wilbur being thinner in the shoulders was able to get past his brother and made it to the top before him.


Wilbur slowly strummed his guitar when he first heard the sound, it sounded like a wounded animal. He shook his head going back to his music. 'Probably a coyote.' He decides not paying much thought to it.

It had to have been an hour at least before he heard sobbing from the room next to his, Tommy's room. He got out of his bed, setting his guitar down then heading for his door.

When he opened the door to find Phil was walking past him. "You heard him in your room?" Wilbur asked, Phil's room being on the first floor.

"No I was coming to make sure you and Techno were asleep." Phil says through a yawn. "You have school tomorrow." The man says, Wilbur having totally forgot it was now two in the morning and not saturday, slowly nodded.

"Yeah yeah, he woke me up." Mmm obvious lying, Wilbur stepped back into his room and closes the door. 'Phil can handle it.' He thinks then nods to himself, moving his guitar off his bed so he can lay down and sleep.

Through the wall he could still hear Tommy's broken sobs though they were quieter and more strangled like he was trying to shut himself up. He could hear when Phil came in but not what he was saying, too quiet, must be whispering.

"Go away." Tommy said though it was hard to hear and could have been something else.

Wilbur looked to his guitar, then to his alarm clock. '2:30 A.M.' it read in red led lights. He rolled over to face the wall deeming it a better choice than Phil's wrath.

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