Blistered Loon

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Ramping things up. Did you think this was just normal adoption au?

Blisters covered his hands as he looked up, this place was different from his other nightmares. This wasn't a memory this was new and strange yet it was familiar.

There was still fire, it raged around him but it didn't burn nor come close, it was in the shape of an oval around him and three other people more were bathed in fire. He knew them but not like this.

Wilbur, he looked normal apart from being semi see through. The flames were visible behind him, dancing and causing strange light.

Techno, he looked boarish, tusks, pig ears. He had a sword over his shoulder and armor made his already broad shoulders broader. He was intimidating, his powerful stance and angry eyes face covered in scars.

Finally Phil stood between them, his head was bowed. He looked tired, older, in the right light he'd probably look centuries old. A sword was in his hands, the tip was stabbed into the ground hands folded over the end of the hilt. Large black wings were spread up and out, casting a shadow that reeked of dispare and desperation.

Phil's head tilted upwards his blue eyes flashed. "You don't belong here." His voice was horse and thick with his sadness. "You don't belong in my world... our world."

Smoked began to fill the clearing. "You must remember though. Remember us."

Wilbur floated to him, his eyes solid white. "Don't forget like I do. You're blisters will show you." His voice echoed slightly as he smiled.

"Remember the Axe of Peace? Don't let them manipulate you again." Techno holds out his hand. Tommy looks down at the new weight in his hands, an axe. "Go back to your world."

Tommy looked between them confused, shaking. This dream didn't feel normal. The smoke clouded his vision then dissipated again before him was a broken mask on the ground.


Tommy jolts up from his sleep, his hands hurting and lungs aching. He coughed violently into his arm as he climbed out of bed almost falling over. His eyes burned.

Fire!? He could smell smoke and feel the heat. It was disorienting, he fell unable to figure out where he was. He wanted to scream but nothing would come out. The boar appeared in front of him, reaching for him.

Suddenly he found his voice. "No! No don't! Stop! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He kicked at him, people were yelling, or whispering he couldn't tell.

"Please... no." He whimpers curling in on himself and pushing back again the person's chest. "We have to go!" The boar yelled at him before grabbing him and lifting him up.

Tommy felt his body move on it's own snagging his backpack that was never fully unpacked. He didn't know where the boar was carrying him but at least he had his things. His face was shoved into the shirt of the person carrying him.

Finally it clicked Techno was carrying him, Wilbur was yelling for Techno, Phil was also yelling. The house was on fire, everything was burning. Smoke blurred most things he couldn't see the other side of the living room.

Techno brought him outside and set him on the ground. "Tommy's safe!" He calls out to someone, most likely Phil. "Where's Ranboo and Floof?" Phil called back he sounded like he was a little farther away.

"I'm here!" Ranboo coughed out closer to him, there was a bark from around Techno's leg. "Okay, everyone's okay." Phil was now next to him as the world began setting in.

Tommy watched the house burn, his new home up and smoke. He coughs staring at the dancing light in the lawn. Darker smoke rose and the red eyes from his nightmare flash at him, staring into his soul.

Everything darkened other than the eyes, the smoke moved and shaked into a dragon head breathing fire onto the house.


Tommy blankly looked at the wall in the hotel room, the house was gone, everything in it gone. Wilbur and Techno were on the couch next to him with there heads together. Whatever they were talking about didn't matter to him.

He looked down to his blistered hands. A memory flickered in his mind, one that he couldn't quiet remember it was misty and he could draw it foward. Black feathers.

What's so important about black feather? Crows, a murder of crows, an unkindess of ravens. Cawing angry and sad the sound filled his head, the room, the park he was standing in.

When had he ended up in a park? Was it a park? How was he seeing his eyes were closed?

The cawing became louder and louder till it was overbearing and he couldn't hear anything else. He couldn't think the birds were too loud.

"Tommy?" Phil's voice silented the flock, the black birds settled in the trees around him and vanished when he opened his eyes to look in the man's eyes. "Crows." He mumbles staring at the man. "Black bird." Wings flickered behind Phil like he was one of the feathered animals, black silky feathers spread and coming in and out of this reality.

It stopped the wings weren't real, Phil was human everyone was human. He covered his face to not look at anyone, he knew he'd been raving like a loon. He was losing his mind and his blister ached against his face.

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