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Smoke crepted under the door, the light that filtered under cast the shadows of foot steps. "You stay here. Everything will be fine." His mother whispered to him as she closed him in his closet.

He watched from between the doors as she left the room not even able to close the door before three loud bangs went off and she fell to the ground. His bedroom door remained cracked open as men ran around his house, fire blazing around them.

His books were pulled off their shelves and ripped apart, pages flittered to the ground slowly before catching a light quickly. He covered his ears as he heard his father shreck. It was the kind of sound that made Tommy know he was dead or at least dying.

"Shut him up before the neighbors hear." A voice with a thick accent demanded and a bang follwed, the sound turned to a loud gurgle then silence. "It's not here, someone check that closet."

A man moved toward him and Tommy backed away though it was useless and soon he'd hit the wall. "Well well well, Mr. and Mrs. Innit had a little rugrat." The man chuckles grabbing Tommy by the arm and yanking him out.

"Scared?" He asked and Tommy nodded his head. "Good, you should be." The blade of the knife was cold against his cheek and in one swift motion it came down and cut him.

"We got cops on the way, thirty minutes tops, leave that kid to burn." The men left quickly. Ten minutes later Tommy was running out of his room holding Henry his stuffed cow and his dads lighter.

"Mum!" He saw her body as soon as he left his room, three bloody spots on her torse and then some splatter.

He ran for the door only looking back once, in the smoke eyes seemed to look back at him maybe it was just the fire but he'd never forget them.


Tommy was shaken awake by Phil, he was shaking and soaked in sweat. Another nightmare, another horrible stupid nightmare. He looked over at his alarm clock, it wasn't even three yet.

In his door way stood Wilbur and Techno both of them looked worried. Tommy rubbed a his eyes before properly sitting up.

"Sorry." He mumbles exhaustion seeping in to his bones. It's been over a week since the school was cover in the news clipping and he still couldn't sleep neither could anyone else.

"It's okay." Phil kept his voice down like anyone could have slept through his screaming. He yawns, one night of sleep is all he wanted, he heard two yawns mirror his.

Phil got up to leave after tucking him in like a child, Wilbur and Techno were sent back to bed. "Wait." He reaches out and grabs onto Phil's wrist. "Stay... please." He'd hate himself for this later right now he knew this would work, he always felt better when someone stayed with him at night.

The man looked at him surprised before nodding, he closed the door then climbed in the bed on top of the blankets. Tommy moved closer to him, leaning against his shoulder, oh yeah future self was going to hate current self.

Phil's arm went over his shoulders and his head leaned against the top of his, one thought raced through his mind. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.


Tommy woke up eight hours later to Phil now under the blankets asleep and hugging him. He wanted to pull away put on his tough guy act but he didn't have the engery instead he moved closer. It had been so long since he'd asked someone to stay with him after a nightmare that he'd forgotten how comforting it was.

This home could work, he could stay here he didn't have to break his record. It felt too good to be true. Something was going to happen, it always does.

He was brought out of his mind by Phil's rubbing his back and whispering comforting words to him, it was only then he realized the tears slowly running down his face.

"It's okay. Shhh, you're alright."

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