Ch. 6

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I woke up in Luke's arms. If you had told me this a few months ago I'd laugh in your face. But being here now makes me feel safe.

I tried getting up but his muscular arms brought me back down. I looked back to where he was.

"Good morning beautiful" he said in his morning voice which caused me to get goosebumps.

"Good morning" I smiled at him.

I finally got up and went into the shower. The warm water woke me up. After I was done I wrapped a fluffy blue towel around my body.

Fuck! I forgot my clothes! Embarrassed I peek my head out of the door. Luke's not in the room. I sigh of relief.

I hurriedly rush to the drawers and I pick out an outfit and as I pick out undergarments the door opens.

I quickly turn to face the person clutching the towel close to me.

"Umm I'm sorry I just forgot my phone. But nice ass" Luke smirks as he leaves the room.

I turned bright red and locked the door so no one else can walk in. I got dressed and went downstairs. All the boys were there, you could tell from how loud they were being but along with their voices there was a female voice.

Strange. I walked into the living room to see Stacy sitting between Ashton and Calum. This is not happening.

I stopped in the doorway. My heart beating fast as if I just ran a Marathon. This seriously can't be happening. She has a way of making herself the victim and being the center of her own pity party.

"Hey June!" Michael said as he got up and hugged me.

"Hi" I said quietly.

He dragged me to where everyone was and I ended up sitting between him and Luke on the opposite couch. I felt very uncomfortable.

"June you Ok?" Luke whispered in my ear.

I just nodded, feeling frozen.

A few minutes went by and everyone was laughing and talking and smiling. My smile of course was fake.

"Hey guys let's play truth or dare!" Michael said excitedly. Everyone agreed, except me.

"Come on play with us." Luke begged.

I nod and sit on the floor between ash and Calum.

"Ok truth or dare Stacy?" Ashton asked. She looked at me and smirked, "dare".

"Ok I dare you to...pull your shirt off and keep it off the whole game"

She lifted her shirt off and I immediately felt self conscious about my body. All the boys were staring at her chest and she was just soaking up all the attention they were giving her.

"Truth or dare Luke" she said.

Oh fuck.

"Umm dare" He said.

"I dare you to make out with me for 2 minutes" she smirked. My heart just sank.

He leaned over hesitantly and they started making out. Michael had his timer on, on his phone. The rest of the boys kept looking me and them.

I just kept my head down afraid if I see them I'll end up crying. The beep went off and I kept my eyes on the floor.

"Truth or dare June" Luke asked out of breath.

"Truth" I said quietly.

"Ok who do you like?" He asked smiling.

"No one" I said quietly.

I looked up and saw his smile fade almost immediately after my answer. I kind of felt bad but he kissed Stacy after spending the night with me in my bed!

The game went on for a few more minutes. I ended up going into the kitchen avoiding the rest of the game.

I was facing the sink grabbing a glass of water. As I finished I went to go turn around. In the doorway was Stacy.

Great. Note the fucking sarcasm.

"Hey slut. Did you like me and Luke's little show?" She smirked.

"Leave me alone " I spat.

I haven't noticed how close she was to me and she pushed me making me fall back and hit my head on the sink. My vision became blurry and I could feel my head bleeding.

I looked up to see the guys behind her. Their faces blurry. My eyes drooped closed and I let darkness consume me.


We ended up hearing a thud like noise. We rushed into the kitchen to find a smirking Stacy standing over an almost unconscious June.

What the fuck!?

I rushed over to June but her eyes were now closed. I picked her up and rushed her to my car. I didn't wait for the others as I rushed her to the hospital.

I pulled up to the entrance and rushed June in.


"OVER HERE!" a nurse called a doctor. They laid a pale June on a stretcher. They rushed her in a room. I looked down and noticed my white shirt covered in blood.

"Sir are you hurt?" A concerned nurse asked. I shook my head no. As she noticed the blood wasn't coming from me she must have figured it was June's.

I sat in the waiting room. The boys came in and spotted me. Their faces had horror written all over it as they noticed my blood stained shirt.

They came and sat with me. "Is she Ok?" Calum was the first to speak.

"I don't know they won't let me see her and they won't tell me anything " I sobbed.

*An Hour Later*

It's been a long ass hour. "Anyone here for a June Somers?" A doctor called out.

Feeling a little bit of deja Vu, the boys and I quickly rushed to the doc.

"She has a head injury. She's lost alot of blood. She could experience AMNESIA and there's a possibility she won't remember what happened or who you are." He said sadly.

My heart just shattered.

"You can see her but one at a time" he said sternly. I quickly rushed to her room and the sight broke my heart even more.

Her head was wrapped up, she had a breathing tube in her nose and she was more pale than before. Her eyes were closed and her chest rose slowly up and down.

I sat in the chair beside her. I took her cold hand in my warm one. "Please wake up. Please remember me. I love you June. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was so scared to tell you." I cried.

I bent over her beautiful face and left a sweet kiss on her cheek. I turned around hoping she would wake up. But her eyes remained closed.

I pushed open the door when a faint voice spoke up.

"Hello?" She said quietly.


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