Ch. 1

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June's P.O.V.

"Truly, Madly, Deeply, I Am, Foolishly, Completely, Falling, And Somehow You Caved All My Walls In"

I woke up to my phones alarm with One Direction going off. Today's Monday. I hate going to school. Not because of teachers or school in general, no I hate it because it's hell for me. Why you ask? Because I get bullied everyday there.

I got up and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I got dressed in black ripped skinny jeans, an purple ombre shirt, and black vans.

I did my hair into an upside down fishtail braid which went into a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

"Are you hungry?" My mom asked. I shook my head "nah I'm good". I kiss her cheek "bye mom!" I call from the front door as I start to walk out. "Bye hun!" She yells back from the kitchen.

I walk to school because my dad is always telling me that we don't have enough money to get myself a car. I don't mind it though because I can get to school later than I would if I was in a car.

I arrived and walked through the school's double doors and just then people started whispering almost instantly. Oh God what rumor is it now. I think.

It's a daily thing so I'm pretty used to it. It's usually some far fetched rumor. Like last week it was that somehow I got an STD from selling my body. I'm still a virgin by the way.

But this is my junior year and I've been getting bullied since I began 7th grade.

As I get to my locker thinking that maybe because I haven't seen them that maybe they decided to skip today.

My unrealistic hope fades as I hear that familiar laughing from the people I despise the most. I try to just keep my head low to avoid making eye contact. But to my luck it wasn't going to make a difference.

"Hey bitch " Ashton says menacingly as he glares at me.

I ignore him to avoid saying anything dumb, which was a bad idea. Luke pushes me against my locker and slaps me. "Don't ignore him or any of us or it's going to be worse than a slap next time bitch!"

I nod while I hold my stinging cheek. They begin to laugh as each one pushes me as they start to leave. Why me? Out of everyone why did they choose to bully me!

I rush into the bathroom to try to hide the slap with makeup but it's still a bit noticeable but not as bad. I leave to my history class and I quickly go to sit down in my usual seat in the very back as Mr. Smith starts his lesson for the day.

Luke finally comes in and sits next to me in his seat with a big smirk. This is going to be a long day.


Today's the first day of junior year. Like always we get to choose our seats. I sat in the very back and in comes Luke. His eyes scan the room and they land on me.

My heart beat quickened with fear. He smirked and sat in the next seat beside me. I was going to get up and move but my body was frozen where I sat. My mind yelled at me to move but my body wasn't responding.

Mr. Smith came in and I thanked that I'm not alone with Luke anymore.

"Class wherever you are seated will be your seats for this class. If I feel the need to change your seat then I will."

I felt the color drain from my face. I was going to have to sit next to my bully all of junior year. This is going to be a long school year.

*End Of Flashback*

I was trying to pay attention to Mr. Smith but Luke kept kicking my leg. He kicked too hard and I yelped. "Mr. Hemmings and Miss Somers is there a problem?"

The whole class is now staring at us and I honestly hate being stared at. I just shook my head no in response to Mr. Smith. I can see him shake his head in disappointment and out if the corner of my eye I can see Luke smirking.


I sat under a tree alone like I always do. I have no friends because Luke and his followers threaten anyone who is nice to me.

I don't eat because everyone called me a fat for so long that I believe them.

"Aww is the fatass not hungry?" Luke asked amused.

See what I mean? I just shake my head no trying to not ignore them again.

"Why don't you go cut yourself and die bitch! You are litteraly a waste of space." Michael spat.

I got up and ran to my locker. I grabbed my things and left. I ran as fast as I could not caring about skipping school. 

Just as I was approaching my house I could hear arguing from inside. I figured it might be a neighbor but as I got closer I realized it was coming from my house.

I opened my front door just in time to see something horrible. My mom holding her suitcases as my dad yelled at her for...cheating?

"That's right I did cheat on your sorry ass! You never satisfied me!" My mom screamed. What. The. Actual. Fuck!

"Why?! I tried to give you everything! " my dad screamed.

I just stood there feeling angry at the scene unfolding in front of me. I can't believe she's hurting dad. "What is going on?!" I yelled desperately wanting an answer.

They both stop for a moment which caused my mother to walk closer to me. I thought she was going hug me but I was very wrong.


I felt the stinging in the same cheek Luke had slapped earlier. My mom just slapped me and without another word, left with her things not even looking back at us. I started crying really hard.

One thought on my mind, I hate her.

What I didn't expect is this...

My dad is screaming at me at the moment blaming me for causing her to leave. What the fuck!?

"Wait Why the fuck aren't you in school!?" He yelled. I started shaking and I didn't answer fast enough for him because he slapped me really hard. "I asked you a question!" He was fuming.

"I-I got s-sick " I lied.

"Go to your room I don't wanna see your face for the rest of the night!"

I didn't think twice and ran to my room.

That night I cried myself to sleep holding my throbbing cheek. Why is everyone hitting the same side of my face today?

Fuck my life.

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