Ch. 3

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I've been staying at Luke's resting up from the hospital. Luke's been very sweet and caring since I gave him a chance. But today I can go back to school. It's Tuesday and I'm scared.

What if Luke was lying and is waiting to humiliate me? I shook off the thoughts. He wouldn't do that right? He's been so kind lately.

Luke drove me to school. He doesn't want me walking and hurting myself further. I hopped out of his car before anyone could see and walked into school. As I did people stopped whatever they were doing and stared at me.

I ignored it and went to my locker. I opened it up to find notes floating out every where.

Go die...

Suicidal freak!...


Many more like that fell out. I felt my eyes brimming with tears. I turned to find Luke standing there frowning.

He bent over and picked up a few and his eyes went dark with anger. He looked at me and was about to say something when people started chanting.

"Hit her Luke! Show her how much you hate her! "

Why are people so fucked up and cruel. He went to lift his hand up. I flinched and shut my eyes tight getting ready to be hit.

But the impact never came instead I felt his hand gently caress my cheek. I opened my eyes and his face expression had sadness written all over it.

"June I told you. I want to be friends. I won't hurt you" he smiled.

People stopped chanting and just stared. I hugged Luke and I caught him off guard because we stumbled back a bit but he caught me hugging me tight.

Girls gave me disgusted looks as if I was a disease that shouldn't even exist to Luke.

"Luke Why the hell are you hugging this freak?!" Stacy yelled. Oh I forgot to mention Luke and Stacy have an off/on relationship.

"Babe shes not a freak" Luke sighed. My heart broke...he called her babe.

Wait do I can't...but he is being so caring and he's being amazingly nice..I think I like my bully...

I just stood there. I felt so insecure to Stacy. She had long blonde hair That's always straight. She has baby blue eyes like Nash Grier's eye color. She is a volleyball player so that means she's fit. Oh and she has a lip ring on the right side of her bottom lip.

She gave me a disgusted look and grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him to her. She crashed her lips to his and I instantly felt the slight bit of jealousy.

I grabbed my books for history and stormed off. I sat in my seat and looked at the notes we had to copy down.

I was half way through when Luke came in. He smiled at me. I can't let him know I like him and that I got jealous so I smiled back.


I sat under the tree like I always do. I was on my phone playing a game when 5 shadows towered over me.

I looked up to see the boys and Stacy. "Move bitch we sit here now" Stacy smirked. The boys looked upset except Ashton but the rest didn't say anything.

I sighed and got up. As I was walking away Stacy tripped me. I fell on my face and felt blood. I touched my nose and it was bleeding.

Calum instantly ran to me. Weird. "Here let's take you to the nurse" he helped me up. I looked at Luke and saw what looked to be anger written all over his face as Stacy stomped away.


That should've been me helping her not calum! I walked up to Stacy. "Why did you do that?! You got her hurt!" I yelled.

"Can't you see?! She's trying to take you away from me! "

"How can she take something That's not yours! "

People gasped along with Stacy.

"Please don't say that Luke" she begged.

"No. It's over for good! I love June and there's nothing you can do about it" I said harshly.

I walked away and to the nurses station to check up on June. I walked in to see her holding a tissue to her nose and Calum telling horrible jokes but making her giggle nonetheless.

He made her laugh. Jealousy ran through me. "Hey mate I got this from here you should get to class" he nodded and left.


Luke sat next to me and held my hand. The nurse came back and said I could leave. "Luke will you take me home?" He smiled and nodded. God his smile is perfect.

We got home and I checked my nose. It was slightly purple. I sighed and laid on the couch. Luke ran in and plopped his whole body on me.

"Luke!" I giggled. "I cant breathe." I playfully gasped for air. He rolled off me and gasped. "Are you calling me fat!" He put his hand over his chest in mock hurt while laughing.

He jumped on me and tickled me. "O-oh my g-god! Please s-stop!" I laughed. He stopped then looked at me. He put his lips out and was giving me kissy faces. I laughed and pushed his face away playfully.

"You're a dork!" I giggled.

"But you like it" he smirked.

He bent down and kissed my cheek and then smiled down at me as the whole zoo set off fireworks in my stomach. He awkwardly got off me and sat beside me. We watched movies for the rest of the day.

This is a start to a new beginning. And I'm glad I gave Luke another chance.

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