Ch. 7

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I slowly turn around to face her. "Hey June " I said quietly.

"I'm sorry who are you? Oh wait! You're probably a doctor right? " for a second I thought she remembered me.

"No June I'm one of your friends. Do you really not remember me?" I asked sadly.

She shook her head but then clutched it.


"Ow!" I clutched my throbbing head. How come I can't remember this guy and why am I in the hospital? The more I thought about it the more my head hurt.

Soon a doctor came in. He looked about 35 and had blonde hair and green eyes. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive.

"Oh Hi miss Somers it's good to see you awake. How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts!"

"Doc she doesn't remember me" the boy said sadly. I felt sorta bad.

"Luke I told you she'll experience some amnesia but I'm positive she'll remember things. Although it will cause her slight headaches when she does. Please do not be alarmed. "

So his names Luke. I tried to think who he was but it was no use.

*A Month Later*

She still doesn't remember much but she remembers who we are. That's good. I was going crazy always correcting her on who we were. She'd sometimes mix up our names.

We are currently in bed cuddling. "June it's already 6:30 we gotta get ready for school"

"Ugh but I don't wanna" she said in a childish voice.

"I'll buy you an ice cream after school"
She got right up and started getting ready. I just laughed at her. She loves her ice cream.

I had gotten ready before so I had time to lay back. As I watched June running around getting ready I noticed her old scars on her arm.

I can't believe I was so horrible to her. She's absolutely beautiful and smart and funny.

She was all done and so I grabbed my bag and walked to my car with her. I opened her door. "You're such a dork" she giggled.

"A cute dork that you love!" I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She just rolled her eyes playfully smirking.

*skip car ride*

We walked in and she instantly looked at the floor avoiding people. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she looked up at me.

I smiled down at her as she's quite shorter. She smiled back up at me before she went to her locker and I went to mine on the other side of the hallway.


I was getting my books out for History when I felt a very cold liquid wash over me. I turned around extremely pissed and embarrassed.

I turned around to find Stacy with an empty Starbucks cup. "Stacy you bitch!" I tackled her to the ground and started punching her in the face as she was scratching my arms with her fake nails.

I punched her one last time and got up so did she. "I'm so done with you're shit! All you do is try and ruin my life! You put me in the fucking hospital you crazy bitch! You're nothing but a psycho attention whore!"

By now a big group had formed around us and was all shocked by my outburst.

I turned around and found a very angry principal. "Both of you in my office now!" She screamed.

I saw Luke and he looked upset. Hopefully not because of me. I stormed off to the office.

I sat in a chair besides Stacy as Principal Morris took her seat.

"I saw the whole thing. Both of you are suspended for a week. I'm disappointed in such young ladies to act like wild animals. " she shook her head and pointed to the exit as to say 'get out'.

I walked out after Stacy but when I got out I heard her talking.

"Luke! I don't see how you could stand being near her. She's a crazy bitch. " Stacy said.

Luke's out there?

"Stacy shut up I heard and saw the whole thing. Stop acting like the victim when you started it" Luke spat.

I walked out. "Luke" I said quietly just in case he's upset with me. He turned around and I instantly felt his warm embrace. "You Ok?" He asked sweetly.
I guess he's not upset with me.

I just nod. "Luke I got suspended for a week" I pouted. "Aww then I'll stay out with you for today besides I promised you ice cream. No way I'm continuing school without you." as soon as he said that both of our faces turned red.

I smiled up at him.

*Skip Car Ride home*

We drove back home after stopping and getting my favorite ice cream, cotton candy. As soon as we were back at the house in his room, we laid on his bed and cuddled. We put Netflix on but within a few minutes we were both fast asleep.

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