Ch. 8

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Luke and I are currently on our way to the beach. We had invited the guys too since it was Saturday. When we got there Luke had picked me up and ran towards the water.

"LUKE FUCKING HEMMINGS PUT ME DOWN!!" I scream as I began to laugh. I was thrashing around but it didn't help.

"Oh do you want to go down? " Luke says as he steps in the water. I shake my head furiously.

"Don't you dare!" I laugh.

Next thing I know I'm being thrown into the deep end where I can't touch the floor.

Call me a baby but being too deep in the ocean is a fear of mine. I've nearly drowned in a pool when I was little because I had gotten tired so the ocean to me is worse. But I can deal with it.

I had started screaming for Luke to help. His face changed from amused to panic. He quickly swam towards me and as soon as he was close enough I grabbed onto him laughing.

"You are so getting it for scaring me." He said as he held me. I just giggle. God I'm pathetic. I leaned back that way my face was a few inches away from his.

"Are you now?" I say smirking. He raised an eyebrow with an amused look on his face.

He looks quite adorable right now. The water had flattened his quiff and beads of water rolled down his face. His lips look so kissable.

Before I could think about anything else his soft lips was on mine. I could taste the salt water slightly but not enough for me to pull away.

All of a sudden we heard clapping and immediately pulled away. We looked over to the shore and saw all the guys standing there. My face turned so red.

Luke had lead me back To shore. "Shut up guys" luke mumbles. We all stayed at the beach for a while until I got tired. "Guys I'm gunna go home I'm practically falling asleep over here." I say tiredly giggling. They all hugged me and I began to walk home.

Suddenly a hand grabs mine and I immediately yank my arm away pushing the mystery person really hard as I turned to face who it was. As I see it's Luke guilt washes over as he stands there shocked. "What was that for?" He asks. 

"I'm so sorry Luke I didn't know it was you I got scared" I say still guilty.

"It's Ok. I'll never sneak up on you again" he laughs.

I giggle a bit. "So what did you want?"

"Oh yeah! Well I was wondering if maybe if you weren't too tired or busy if you maybe want to go on a date with me tonight?" He says so nervous it's adorable.

"Of course I will" I smile.

"Ok be ready around 8 tonight I'll be by to pick you up." He smiles showing his dimple.

I looked at the clock to see I had time to take a nap and still get ready.


I was getting ready for my date with Luke. He had texted me to dress casual. (The outfit in the pic above)

I had just finished with my makeup when Luke rang the door bell. I laugh at how he rings his own door bell.

I walked down stairs and opened the door. Standing there was Luke in his famous black skinny jeans, his black vans and a black shirt under a blue flannel. His hair in it's usual high quiff.

"Wow you look beautiful " he said in awe. I blushed and walked out the house. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. We both had gotten in the back. I was confused until I saw calum in the drivers seat.

"I'll be you're driver tonight." He said in a fake posh accent.

I smiled up at Luke.


We had arrived at a seafood restaurant. As we're seated a waitress comes over. We finally got our drinks after continuous flirting from the waitress to Luke and me rolling my eyes at the oblivious dork in front of me.

Our food had arrived and we dug in.

"Wow that was amazingly good food"

Just as I said that Luke had ordered a slice of chocolate cake that we shared.
After, we payed and left a tip we headed back to the car. "It's not over that was the beginning" Luke said excitedly.

Calum drove down a dirt road and pulled up to a shack. We got out and he lead me behind the shack.

Behind was a beautiful lake. The water was calm and the sun was setting. In the middle was an island.

Luke grabbed my hand And lead me to a boat that was on the side. I didn't even notice it. We got in and he drove to the island.

When we got there it took my breath away. There were fairy lights in the trees that lead to a waterfall.

"Oh my God this is beautiful " I said astonished.

"Well I had found this place when my mom died 2 years ago. I had ran from the funeral and found the shack. I had wondered around until I saw the island. It was intriguing so I fixed up the boat within a few months and got here. When I found the waterfall I knew this would be the place I can come to be at peace." He said as tears fell from his eyes.

I hugged him tightly. "Why did you show me this place?" I asked quietly.

"I felt like sharing this place with you because I know I can trust you and when I'm with you, you bring me peace." He smiles down at me.

Next thing I know we're kissing sweetly with his hands on my cheeks and my hands on his waist.

"June will you be my girlfriend? " he asks nervously as he pulls from the kiss.

"Yes of course I will" I said happily as I reconnect our lips.


After the date we arrived home and got into our pajamas. For Luke that meant his boxers and for me it meant Luke's 'I Don't Trust Me Either" shirt and fluffy shorts.

We cuddled in bed as it started raining. We had shut the lights off and the rain hitting the window was such a soothing sound. I absolutely love rain.

Luke's soft snores and the rain lulled me to a peaceful sleep.

That night I fell asleep feeling truly happy.

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