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Toni hadn't expected to find a huddle of her classmates crowded outside her classroom door; it was Monday morning and usually the students were on their come down from their weekend of partying. But today, mutters erupted from multiple people, whispers floating through the air like secrets - yet all eyes were fixed upon one thing. Their classroom window.

It was only then that the pink haired girl noted the slight echo of yelling. One voice belonged to the woman she found herself pining after, but she couldn't pinpoint where she'd heard the other.

A frown formed along Toni's expression as she attempted to pry through her fellow students, a cuss word being tossed her way as she shoved a couple of girls a bit too hard. When she finally nudged the last boy out of her way, she came face to face with the scene before her.

It was a sight she hadn't been prepared for, Cheryl's face was screwed into a look of rage and sadness bundled into one. Her typically perfect hair had a few too many strands out of place, as though she'd just rolled out of bed. Something in Toni's chest tightened seeing her professor so distraught. Then her brown eyes panned to the woman who seemed to have caused the confrontation, quickly recognising the familiar figure with mousey brown locks and stormy grey eyes.

Toni felt as though her heart had crawled into her throat. Without thinking, her hand was on the knob of the door and she was letting herself in.

The talking died out at the sound of the door opening. All eyes snapping in her direction. Cheryl was the first to talk, a long winded sigh passing her lips.

"Class is cancelled, Toni."

Toni's eyes remained where they were, trained on the girl from the party, from the movie drive in on Saturday. It took awhile for her confusion to subside, and it appeared as though the sense of confusion was mutual. The brunette's eyes narrowed on her, but flickered almost nervously towards Cheryl every couple of seconds.

"Toni. Now is not the time, please go."

It was only the hint of pleading beneath Cheryl's tone, that the pink haired girl finally took in her teacher once more. All thoughts of the other woman before her washing away. Toni hadn't noticed that for once Cheryl wore a blank canvas, the freckles jotted delicately across her cheeks becoming prominent in the white light. A twinge of a smile itched at the corner of her lip. She looked as beautiful as ever.

With a cautious glance towards the woman from the party, Toni nodded. She'd question Cheryl about the petite stranger later.

After she announced to her hyperactive classmates that their lesson was cancelled, it practically caused an out roar of excitement. A feeling Toni most definitely didn't share, it took all of her willpower not to turn around and throw herself back in that room. But she waited, eyes occasionally drifting towards her english room.

But as the minutes went by aching slow, she became engraved in a book that had been abandoned on a shelf close by. It was only when a shadow loomed over her, that realised she wasn't alone anymore.

"What are you doing here?"

Toni narrowed her eyes at the girl towering before her, it was a pretty stupid question.

"Pretending to be invisible, I'm still trying to figure out how you saw me." Toni retorted sarcastically, smirking at the irritation growing on the brunette's face.

"Cut the shit and answer my question. What are you doing here?"

"I go here, why? Did you think I was stalking you?"

Toni closed her book, knowing she wasn't going to get any further reading done with the grey eyed girl yammering down her ear.

"Someone like you, I wouldn't be surprised if you were stalking me." The girl spat harshly, giving Toni a once-over wrinkling her nose in disgust.

𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ➶ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐢Where stories live. Discover now