f i f t e e n

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Over the final week of the semester, Toni had merely seen Cheryl twice. The redhead seemed to have made it her mission to avoid her once more, although this time - Toni understood why. The bond between them was becoming beyond student and teacher. But the wall Cheryl strived to build up between them was driving the pink haired woman crazy. She found herself wanting to spend all of her free time in the ginger's company. To not only be around the woman, but to discover the mystery that was hidden within her, from her favourite colour to her most tormented thoughts. Both the good and the bad. If only Cheryl would let her.

Toni had her final study session with Cheryl after class that Monday morning. The professor greeting her as she'd greet any other student, but for the first time Cheryl had kept some stupid frat boy behind too. It was obvious he was only there as a barrier between the forbidden friendship, his ever so clear presence did nothing but irritate Toni. Every pointless word that left his chapped lips managed to suck the life from her body like a leech. When the session inevitably ended, it took Toni half the time it usually would to pack up her things and hand the laptop over. The idea of spending another unnecessary moment with a teenager who did nothing but ogle Cheryl, brought bile to her mouth.

The pink haired girl hadn't missed the lingering gaze piercing into her back as she walked out of the classroom that morning. Not even a hushed word passed over the pair. Toni took the redhead's silence as best as she knew how, to ignore it and act as though it left her unbothered. When in reality, it gnawed at the edges of her heart.

Kicking up the grass beneath her feet, her big brown eyes stared into the abyss of nothing. Her week had been disappointing and the thought of not seeing Cheryl for a week pained her. Toni found herself captivated in even the slightest glimpse of ginger, half of the time it wasn't even Cheryl. It made her realise just how many redheads Riverdale had. She couldn't help but want to know if any were related to Cheryl, surely she had family in town. Why else would she live in such a small town like Riverdale?

It was only when a pair of Alexander McQueens shattered her vision, that her eyes lifted. It wasn't often anyone approached her, but of course, the only person that really wanted to be around her was standing before her.

"Come with me." The woman ordered, her voice mellow as she just smiled down at her friend.

Toni hesitated, knowing Donna's last words had left an elephant of guilt on her chest. "D, I don't thi—"

The blue eyed girl just rolled her eyes, "Toni, get up. Now."

In defeat, Toni hauled herself to her feet a little weak from the lack of food. But just about managing to keep up with the petite girl, it was surprising how quickly such a small person could walk.

"Where are we going?" Toni attempted asking, wary that her question might just get shut down.

Donna shot her a look over her shoulder, a twinkle dancing across her eyes, "My fathers in town."

A groan automatically fell from Toni's lips, halting on the spot causing the dark haired girl to do just the same. "Dude, no offence, but your dad is boresome."

"Don't you think I know that? That's why you're coming with me to his stupid dinner thing. You owe me this."

Donna didn't have to say why, just reading her pleading ocean eyes Toni knew she couldn't refuse. She'd put the poor girl through enough pain, the least Toni could do was be beside her when she needed her. The brunette began her steps once more, falling in stride with her friend.

"He won't be happy to see me, you know that right?" Toni warned her, the last time the two interacted the brunette had given him a mouthful.

Donna cracked a smile at her words, raising a brow. "Why do you think I'm inviting you? He's gonna be so pissed he won't speak to me until he has to leave again."

𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ➶ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐢Where stories live. Discover now