chapter 11: one less tribe to help protect

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The rainwings and nightwings got back to training and trained hard. The rainwings got there suntime then almost immediatly returned back to training. Nightwings also got rest. Training has been every dragons top priority. And by every dragon,i mean EVERY dragon. Even on the other side of pyrria dragons were working there wings off. "Pinapple!!!!" Kinkajou cried as it was FINALLY break time. "ATTENTION!" Queen Glory called. "When night falls we will be attacked. When the moons reach the highest point in the sky. Mid night. So all get your rest and eat up. We need to be ready. Now go! Get your rest!" She announced,while deep under the ocean Queen coral was training her army. "Tonight we attack! We take back my darling daughter and we dont let her free. We keep her where its impossiable to escape! Do we all know what we have to do!?" Queen coral asked her tribe. A young seawing mother put her talon up,"why do we have to include our young dragonets? They could be badly injured!" She asked. "Well surely you know that the seawing heir is worth much more than your tiny useless dragonets." Blister replied. "Well,i wouldnt call them useless and they are quite adorable. "Queen coral cooed. "Not useless? Can they fight?" Blister asked. "Well,not the young ones of course." Queen coral replied like it was obvious. "Exactly. The young ones are what we call distractions." Blister told Queen Coral as well as the rest of the tribe. The young mother didnt look convinced but went along with it anyway.

Back in the rainforest trouble was stirring.........

There was a loud this and everyone went to check out the noise. Even the tired rainwings. "I am darkstalker and im taking back my tribe." A voice boomed. Standing before the 2 tribes were one of the largest dragons or all time. "What makes you think you can do that!?" Deathbringer hissed. "If these dragons know what's good for them they will follow me." And with that darkstalker leapt into the air. Many dragons feared him so they thought the right thing to do was to follow him and make sure he doesn't get angry. Deathbringer on the other hand was furious. "QUEEN GLORY IS THIS TRIBES QUEEN!!!!! THE NIGHTWINGS AND RAINWINGS!!! AND YOU CANT BE KING!!! ITS......ITS......ITS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!" Deathbringer shouted. Queen GLORY was calm. "Just leave it. It will be fine." She said. The trainings went back to their sun time and the remaining Nightwings got some rest.

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