chapter 9:battle plans

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"STATIONS PLEASE!!!!" Queen glory called to the rainwings. "You heard the lovely dragon,GET TO YOUR STATIONS AND TRAIN!!!" Deathbringer yelled. "I cant talk for myself thanks." Queen glory whispered quietly to deathbringer. "WE ONLY HAVE A DAY LEFT UNTIL THE INVASION!" The queen added. "But what if we dont want to fight." A rainwing called rudely. "Well, its easy really. You let the tribe down and die. NOW GET MOVING!" Queen glory replied." You heard the best queen in the world! Lets goooooooo!!!!" Kinkajou piped in. "Also can i have a bannana?" She added hopefully. The queen gave kinkajou the,how-are-you-thinking-about-food-at-a-time-like-this? Look. "Right,sorry. We gotta train!" Kinkajou said flying off.

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