Chapter 21 Warrior

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It's been five hours now since Y/N, Bertholdt, and Reiner abducted Eren and Ymir. They were now in the Forest of Giant Trees in Wall Maria. They couldn't get out of the place since it was swarming with Titans.

"Damn it. At this rate, the Survey Corps might send someone pursuit us." Y/N said in his thoughts while looking at the Titans.

Y/N notifed Eren wake up

"Hey, Eren. Did you have a nice sleep?" Y/N asked

Eren looked at them for a moment until he removed the cape covering his arms. A lot of steam came out of it and revealed Eren's arms that were still regrowing.

"What the- My arms!" Eren said in shock

"Eren. Look, I'm in the same boat. One hell of a day, huh?" Ymir said showing Eren her severed leg and arm.

"Ymir, what happened to my arms?" Eren asked

"Sorry, that was my fault. I was in a hurry, so I made Reiner bit you out of your Titan, he accidentally got your arms." Y/N explained

"Oh. I lost." Eren said

Eren suddenly bit his arm making Bertholdt and Reiner stand up.

"Stop, Eren!" Reiner said

"Eren, don't!" Bertholdt said

"Yeah. Don't be hasty." Ymir said grabbing Eren's arm off of his mouth

"Look around us. We're in the forest of giant trees inside Wall Maria. Apparently it's pretty far from the Wall, so that means we're neck deep in Titan territory. See? I guess they'd be called 'Abnormals." Ymir said

"That one looks like it's resting, but it hasn't taken it's eyes off us." Ymir pointed at the huge Titan laying on the grass underneath the tree.

"There's a lot of tiny ones under us, so that's a no go. Then there's that big one over there. It's just watching us, keeping it's distance. Clearly not taking any chances. And then there's them. Those stingy bastards are hogging the Vertical Maneuver Gear. Reiner's wearing yours. Randomly transforming here isn't gonna do us good. Not only can they do the same thing, but they can also run higher up. And even if they couldn't we're surrounded by Titans. Moving around in Titan territory is tough, even with Titan powers. Get it now? We can't afford to put up a fight." Ymir said

"Actually, you can't even transform right now, anyway. This power has it's limits. Your stamina is finite. Right now, your bodies are using a lot of it for healing." Reiner said

"Your really think we're stupid enough to believe that." Eren said

"Believe it or not, it's true." Y/N said looking at the Titans.

"Well, I wouldn't say I know much about Titan powers. You know way more than I do about how they work." Ymir said

"Anyway, Y/N. You said you'd talk once Eren woke up. What're you three planning to do with us?" Ymir asked

"We're going to take you both to Mar-" Y/N almost said Marley, but Reiner cut him off

"We're taking you two to our hometown. We know you're not just gonna come quietly. But as you said, we're in the Titans' backyard. If we go at it here and now, they'll just kill us all while we're weak. We have to wait here 'til night falls until it stops moving. Whether you escape or get taken away, none of us can make a move until nighttime." Reiner said

"Why did you stop here instead of just going straight home in your Titan form? You get tired or something?" Ymir asked

"You're free to think whatever you like." Reiner said

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