Chapter 23.6 Preparations

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Contains Manga Spoilers!! Feel free to skip!! Just some preparations for the Second Part of Season 3


One day before the Retake of Wall Maria Operation.

Y/N, Zeke, Reiner, and Bertholdt were riding Pieck's Cart Titan to Shiganshina while carrying a couple of supplies along with Eldians who were injected by Zeke's Titan Fluid.

"How far are?" Zeke asked

"We're getting closer. Just above this hill, we can see the wall." Y/N said

When they got to the hill, they saw it. The Wall.

Pieck continued and they entered Shiganshina District. They saw many mindless Titans inside it.

"Zeke, what's the plan?" Y/N asked

"It's quite rare for someone as smart as me ask for a plan, but we'll do a surprise attack." Zeke said

"Reiner, Y/N, both of you will hide inside the district-" Zeke was cut off

"Not that. What are we gonna do with these Titans?" Y/N asked

"Oh... Let's take care of them." Zeke said

"Got it." The three answered


Zeke, Y/N, and Reiner killed the Titans in their Titan form and they climbed back up the wall again.

"Now, let us discuss our plans for tomorrow." Zeke said

"Y/N, Reiner, both of you are going to hide inside the District while me, Bertholdt, and Piecky will be inside the Walls and outside the District." Zeke said

"Understood." Pieck said while the others nodded

"Let's rest now. We need a lot of energy for tomorrow." Zeke said


The four just woke up while Pieck was sent by Zeke to scout.

Zeke, Y/N, Bertholt, and Reiner were drinking coffee on top of the Wall talking about their time inside the Walls.

"I already told you. Annie-chan's going to be fine, I'm sure. There's no way she's being tortured. For starters, don't you think that's unlikely? With powers like ours, one scratch and we'll be able to pretty much handle everything. And remember, it's Annie-chan we're talking about here. I bet she's hiding somewhere practicing her kicks or what ever." Zeke said

"Still, there's no mistaking her identity was revealed." Reiner said

"Even if it's Annie..." Bertholdt paused

"Oh? Does this mean you're not fully committed yet? Is that right? And what about the agreement we came to? Was that all for nothing?" Zeke asked and the three looked at him shocked

"We can go at it again if you want, Reiner. But the next time you lose, you give up your armor to another Warrior." Zeke said

"N-No, that's not what I meant." Reiner said

"Then pull yourself together. We only have one goal. To recover the Founder and put an end to this cursed history. Let's... end this. I want to end these all, with us." Zeke said

"Understood. I'll try to keep Annie out of my head for now. There's no need to put anyone else through this hell but us. Let's... end this." Bertholdt said

"Oh yeah, Y/N, you've been quiet for a time now. Thinking about something?" Zeke asked

"I think we won't be able to locate Eren quickly. We'll need to lure him out." Y/N said

"Why's that?" Zeke asked

"They want to keep Eren away from us, I'm expecting them to wear their capes to hide their faces." Y/N said

"That's pretty smart, Y/N. As expected of someone who can predict eight moves ahead. Oh, I nearly forgot. Y/N, you just need to be on standby." Zeke said

"Huh? Why?" Y/N asked

"Your brother sent Captain Magath a message. He said, 'Leave Y/N as back up. The Tybur Family cannot afford to lose the Warhammer Titan.' was what he said" Zeke said

"I see. Then, I do nothing?" Y/N asked

"Well, yes, but actually, no. It depends on the situation. If ever Reiner falls down, feel free to transform. Like Eren, we need to keep you away the enemy. The Warhammer is a valuable weapon to Marley. Marley also cannot afford to lose it. But remember this, if Reiner comes back up, retreat to me and Piecky. Let Bertholdt and Reiner take care of the ones inside the walls." Zeke said

"Got it." Y/N said

"War Chief Zeke." Pieck called her from beneath the Wall.

The four ran to the edge

"Enemy troops are approaching. They've reached the foot." Pieck said

"My brave warriors. It's time to settle this here and finish our mission once and for all." Zeke said and they drank the coffee.

"Hot!" Zeke said

The four finished drinking and they kicked the coffe grinder and the bonfire they used off the edge of the Wall.

"Let's go you two." Y/N said and they ran

"Bertholdt, I've told you a bunch of times, but... You will be in a different position from us.  So try thinking on your own for once." Reiner said

"R-Right." Bertholdt said

"You don't always have to wait for our signal." Reiner said

"Yeah, I know." Bertholdt said

"You're supposed to be the one with the greatest ability of all yet you leave it to others when it matters. To be honest, I never thought you reliable." Reiner said

"I know." Bertholdt said

"Up until now. We're ending this here, right?" Reiner asked

"That's right. We're gonna win and end this." Bertholdt said

"Bertholdt, after we win, let's go to Annie and save her!" Y/N said

"Yeah, keep that attitude until with your beloved Annie." Reiner said

"I-It's not like that..." Bertholdt stutters

"I bet even Annie would appreciate the one who would rush to save her. That's why, I'll just help you get in and I'll leave you alone with Annie so you could get that you know..." Y/N snickers

"She might mistaken you as her prince. And your beloved Christa, Y/N. We'll save her. That's our promise to Ymir." Reiner said

"H-Huh?! Shut up!" Y/N shouted while blushing

"You think we didn't see that letter?" Reiner asked

"Shut up! I don't wanna hear it!" Y/N shouted while blushing so hard

Y/N, Bertholdt, and Reiner raised their fists and they fist bumped each other at the same time

"See ya. We're counting on you, buddy." Reiner told Bertholdt

"Leave it to me!" Bertholdt said

"Don't die!" Y/N said

"Yeah." Bertholdt said

Y/N and Reiner separate ways with Bertholdt and they jump off the Wall.

"Hey, Reiner! Don't die out there too!" Y/N said

"Got it." Reiner said

"See ya!" Reiner said and they separated ways

Y/N hid inside a house while Reiner hid inside the walls.

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