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~yall got me me thinking about ideas for the story now so I'm really excited to write them and thanks for the ideas and they will be used Sxfthoodx and iio_45ii ~
"NOYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA" Tanaka shouted pretty much in my ear. I flinched harshly away from his loudness. "RYUUUUUUUUU" Noya yelled at Tanaka while barreling towards him. I side stepped to assure that I wouldn't get hit by a flying Noya. People started looking at us and I smacked both boys. "Be quiet." I hushed them. "We are in a public mall and everyone is looking at us now." Asahi said quietly. I jumped I hadn't noticed him earlier. "Wtf Asahi a little notice next time you come somewhere." I said. "Sorry I assumed you saw me because you didn't hit me when you moved away." Asahi said. "It's ok." I said. "Hey guys" Narita and Kinoshita said walking up behind us. "Hey." We all replied. We went into multiple stores and eventually Tanaka and Noya got bored so we played hide 'n go seek at the mall.
We had found everyone but Enno.

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Eventually I decided to check a obvious spot that we thought no one would hide there

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Eventually I decided to check a obvious spot that we thought no one would hide there. Under the staircase and of course he was very "Enno!" I shouted. "Hey" he responded. "I can't believe it." I said. "Well believe it." He said. "Well since I found you and no one else has let's go to spot that's more obvious to them." I said. "Ok like a changing  room?" He asked. "Yeah that works." I said
-Narita,Noya,Kinoshita, and Asahi's Pov-
We have been searching for Enno forever and now Tanaka has disappeared.
"I bet he found him." One of them said. "Probably" another said

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