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So this is like the second to last part of the story but very will be not super drama cause well happily ever after. I'm not always a bitch so you get to live happily with your life after this story ends.
The third years are graduating tomorrow and I'm gonna be captain of the volleyball when they do. I'm absolutely terrified. What if make my team lose every game. Oh third years why do y'all have to leave. "Enno? Are you listening?" Suga snapped me out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked. "I asked it this shirt looks good." Suga said. I looked at the shirt. "Ooo yeah." I said nodding in approval. The shirt said cute but chaotic. "I can see you making that into a crop top and wearing to a party." I said. "Yea that's exactly what I was thinking about." Suga replied back. Then went back to shopping.
-time skip-
We had finished shopping and went back home. "Ya know I'm graduating soon and so are the other third years so you're gonna be the captain right?" Suga asked. "Yeah I know." I said. "You know you're gonna be a great captain that's why we chose you. We didn't choose anyone else because of your leadership skills." Suga said. "But-" Suga cut me off. "You'll mess up trust me but you must learn from your mistakes." Suga said. I nodded not wanting to talk anymore about the subject. "Anyways there is a party tonight and you're coming with me cause you've been coped up in the house for a while." Suga said. "What! bu- I-" I worried. "Imma look through your clothes and pick out an outfit for you." Suga said walking over to my closet. "That makes me feel a whole lot better." I said. "Cool." Suga replied.
-party time-
"Suga are you sure about this outfit?" I questioned. I was wearing a crop top with a choker. Then rather short shorts with fishnet leggings underneath and combat boots. Suga had done eyeshadow, eyeliner, massacre, and blush on both of us. "Yep you look great." He complimented. "I didn't even knew that I owned half of this." I said. "You own a lot of things you probably dont know you have." He said. "Well let's go. Also don't tell my parents about this they don't want us to go." Suga commented. "What. Why are we going then." I asked angrily. "Because its fun. Duh" He said opening the window in my room. There was a tree next to the window we could climb down and that was exactly Suga's plan. "Suga we are going to die." I said half way down the tree. "No we aren't." He replied already on the ground.
-time skip-
We had just arrived at the party. The music was loud as hell and everyone was either drunk, high, or both. "I'm going to get us some drinks." Suga said quickly pushing through the crowd. "Oh ok." I replied looking around to see if there was anyone I knew. After a while Suga came back with our drinks. "So Enno imma get high tonight probably and I don't wanna do it by myself so will you do it with me." Suga asked. "Yeah sure." I replied. What could happen? I asked myself.
-third person-
They got high but let say this party had something illegal going on along with fights breaking out. Within ten minutes cops busted into the party. Teens and adults scrambled like mice. Many of the people there were arrested. But two very lucky teens made it out safe and to home. Once the arrived they immediately fell asleep as the drugs wore off. To say the less they were still in trouble though. Of course the parents knew one of the teens would sneak out to the party so they knew just how to punish them when they woke up.
-time skip Enno pov now-
Well Suga and I got in trouble for sneaking out more Suga that me. Anyways today yhe thirds years are graduating it's absolutely amazing how fast time goes. I'm now captain of the volleyball team starting tomorrow and oh my lord am I scared but Daichi has been preparing me for it for a while now. Which has made me more confident. But I'm still sad the third years are leaving although they said they'd keep in touch. Which is better than not seeing them at all. Noya and Asahi are now hugging and crying cause of their relationship now becoming long distance for a year. I'm glad that that won't happen with Tanaka and I. But that does mean we will be graduating next year.

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