Suga family

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Ok so this is probably gonna be mostly in Suga's families pov cause y'all need to know what they do to help.
-Suga- Papa had driven us home. Not uttering one word the entire ride back. When we got home papa yelled "out! Now. Both of you." I felt terrible as if I did something wrong. I quickly got of the car and my dad did too. As soon as we shut our doors papa left in the car. "Dad?" I was on the verge of tears. "Come on honey inside now." He said walking towards the house like nothing happened. I turned away from him sprinted down the driveway towards Daichi's house that wasn't too far away. "KOSHI!" I heard my dad yelled. "COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW YOUNG MAN!" He yelled. I could handle it right now I needed Daichi.
-Ichiro (suga's dad)-
"Damnit. Why'd he'd take after me my stubbornness and after Kazuo with his strong way of showing emotions." I mumbled to myself. Koshi had just taken off down the driveway. I wasn't going to chase him I knew he needed space and time. But I did have to call and tell Kazuo what happened. I dialed his phone. "What's wrong Ichiro you don't ever call me when I'm taking a emotion drive." Kaz said. "Yeah I know Koshi took off. I just wanted to let you know so would wouldn't send the entire police station on a search." I said. "He truly took after me with emotions didn't he?" Kaz said. "He most definitely did. Ok I'm going to cook dinner and clean the house so you can relax some when you get back. I love you." I said.
-Kazuo (suga's papa)-
"I love you too bye." I said hanging up. I pulled over at my usual spot. The old willow tree. Koshi's, Ichiro's, my names were carved into it. Hiro and I had carved our names into it when we were sixteen. When we were twenty-five we carved Koshi's name when we adopted him. I laid under the drooping branch of the willows. I stared at the sky and took deep breathes it calmed me down. I thought about everything that had happened. I released all of my emotions then laid in silence for about three hours. Then returned to my house. Hiro had done as he said he would the house was clean and dinner was cooked. Hiro laid out cold on the couch. I ate some of the food he cook then put the rest up. I quietly walked over to him and slide into his arms falling asleep.

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