So Lucky

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Just a little warning. If you don't like the mention of anxiety and hyperventilating  then i suggest not to read this.






"Ugh my nose hurts" I mumbled holding my nose. (I mean you just got hit in the nose by a volleyball. And that shit hurts) opening my eyes I  looked around. Nurses office "Oh deary you are awake finally." The nurse said. I looked at her. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's 12-" she was cut off by the door bursting open. A pair of arms engulfed me. "Huh!?" I yelped in surprise. "ENNOSHITA!!! I'M SO-" the person was cut off. "Shh!!" The nurse shushed. "Oh sorry" the person apologized. "Ennoshita I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you with the volleyba-" I cut him off. I knew who it was now of course it was Tanaka motherfucking Ryunosuke. "Tanaka. I'm fine. Please let go of me." I said he released me. 

-Kinoshita and Narita pov- 
We saw tanaka sprint past us towards the nurses office. "Oh no" we said in unison. Then we ran after him. When we arrived at the office there was Ennoshita with a and you'll never guess this but another bloody nose! "Oh no what is it this time" we said sarcastically. "Why hello Narita and Kinoshita" enno said. 
-time skip ⏭ to practice the next day-
-tanaka's pov-
I kept apologizing to enno the rest of the week. "I'm-" i was cut off. "OH MY FUCKING GOD tanaka i said i was fine stop apologizing or else i'll fucking ki-" enno got cut off. "Kiss him." Narita and Kinoshita suggested. "W H A T!" Enno shouted. I looked at them and they were smiling a smile that me and noya had on when we were planning something. "Uh-" i started. Little tip from me never stop walking if I have a closet while Narita and Kinoshita are planning something. Next thing I know Enno and i are in the closet we had been standing next to. Enno was on top of me we were both blushing. 'I have to admit enno is really cute and hot at the same time. He's really sex- I went bright red and I knew it too. Tanaka don't think that about your friend. I'm straight right?' i questioned myself silently.




~well enno and tanaka have some great luck don't they this is going better than i expected it to go

-Enno Pov- 

I got off Tanaka as quickly as possible and scrambled into a corner and started hyperventilating. 'Damnit narita and kino you know i don't like surprises started c and you know I get anxiety from surprises.' I was curled up into a ball. The walls had started closing in I panicked some more and tucked my head in between my knees trying to calm down. "Enno?" a small voiced asked. Someone crawled towards me. "Enno?" the person called quietly. I looked up slowly and saw Tanaka in front of me. I felt hot tears running down my faces. Tanaka reached his hand towards me slowly. I tried to scoot back but I couldn't and I ended up whimpering. Eventually Tanaka got me calmed down and i was wrapped up in his arms. "Hey, Enno?" Tanaka asked. "hm?" I looked up at him. "It's like 6pm, Do you think Narita and Kinoshita are going to come let us out?" Tanaka asked.  "Probably not. It is Narita and Kino we are talking about. They call themselves 'Love gods' they don't think that we are just friends. We probably be here all night" I said. 

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