The Incident

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Now what my stories be without a bit of suspense and angst. Warning cursing, homophobia, and cutting

When I awoke my ass ached and Tanaka wasn't in the bed. I got up and limped to his closet to grab pants. I grabbed a pair of shorts and pulled them on carefully and slowly to not hurt myself. I wobbled down the stairs to the kitchen. I supported myself with the countertop. Saeko was there. She watched me come to the kitchen. "Looks like you had fun last night." She said smiling. I blushed "Where's Tanaka?" I asked. "Is he not still in the bed?" She responded. "No." I said shaking my head. "I don't know then." She said shrugging. I pulled out my phone and texted Tanaka asking where he was. He didn't answer.  "Well I'll figure out. I have to go home now. Bye Saeko." I said walking  towards the door. I pulled on my shoe and opened the door. "Ok bye bye Enno" She called as I walked out. I shut the door behind me and down the street. I followed the sidewalk all the way to my house. I saw my moms car in the driveway. I cursed under my breath then walked in. I walked past the kitchen and up the stairs to my room. My mom was there when I walked in she turned. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She yelled at me. "I spent the night at Tanaka's." I responded quietly. "THAT IS NO EXCUSE! DO NOT LIE TO ME! WHERE WERE YOU?!" She yelled. "I was at Tanaka's." I said again. "DON'T USE THAT TONE WITH ME! FINE DON'T TELL ME WHERE YOU WERE!" She yelled storming out. I saw she had something in her hand. It looked like a photo. I looked around my room. I noticed my picture of Tanaka and I was missing. It was my favorite one. It was a picture of us over summer. I was sitting on his shoulders we were laughing. I turned quickly. "Mom?" I asked quickly going down the stairs. "Why'd you tak-" I was cut off by my mom. "WHO IS THIS?" My mother yelled. She was holding up the photo of Tanaka and I. "That's Tanaka." I said. She slapped me. "GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!" She yelled. I handed her my phone my hand shaking as I rubbed the spot where she slapped me. I watched as she unlocked it and go to my messages with Tanaka. She threw my phone down I heard it break. I flinched a tad bit and started to back away. She slapped me again. "You are not allowed to play volleyball anymore, you break up with Tanaka, and you are not allowed to see anyone from that team." Her voice was stern and her eyes ablaze. "Bu-" she cut me off. "Do not argue with me go to your fucking room now." She commanded. I quietly turned and walked up the stairs to my room. I carefully shut the door to my room. I walked my bed I slid underneath the cover of my bed. I grabbed the packet of razor blades from my pillow. I cut my waist, wrist, thighs, and arms. I let about thirty cuts total. When I finished I slid the packet of razor blades back under the pillow and I cried. I cried until I had no tears left. Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up multiple times during the night. After the third time I just stayed awake. I laid in bed still. I let all of my dark thoughts flood my mind. I thought I was a horrible person for being gay. I thought was disgusting, disappointing, fat, and ugly. I laid there under the cover until my mom came my room.

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