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So so this is a big ass time skip. It has been a year now so that's fun for them. I'm tired so dont be surprised by mistakes
-Enno- We are graduating. Oh my gosh it's been a year. Holy moly. I'm so worried to hand the volleyball team over to the second years. Well not Yamaguchi and Yaichi they'll be fine. But as much the others fight that worries me. But I'm sure that Yaichi and Yamaguchi can keep them in line. Oh wait it's my turn. I walked onto the stage and accepted my certificate (i dont know what the fuck it's called so roll with it) and walked towards the other people on the stage. I took my spot next to Noya and I could hear him giggling so I shushed him but he keep giggling. "Oh my Asahi Noya. Why the hell are you laughing?" I whisper yelled. "You'll see." He whispered back to me then pointed at Tanaka. "Oh no." I said. I covered my face in embarrassment. Tanaka was wearing a white shirt with big pink letters that said I'm in Ennoshita's pants and y'all aren't. I died in that very moment. I was bright red and everyone on the volleyball team burst out in laughter. It was definitely planned for everyone to know but me. Tanaka strutted up beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Do you like my shirt?" Tanaka asked. "I'm going to kill you." I replied back with venom behind my words. "I just wanted to let everyone know that you were taken and that you were mine." He said. "Let go of my waist please before I die another time from embarrassment." I said. "Okay as you wish babe." He replied letting go of my waist. Eventually I put down my hands but I was still flustered by the end of the graduation ceremony all because of one stupid fucking shirt.
-times skip-
"Tanaka I swear to god if you ever pull something like that again you will never see Noya face until he dies." I said point my finger at him. Tanaka laughed "sorry I was just going to leave school with a bang." He said. "Yea well you left it with gay." I said doing the gay hand thing.
-time skip of like four years-
"Tanaka where are we going?" Enno asked. "You'll see." I said. I was leading him to a hill covered in pink dog woods. I had set up a blanket and fairy lights. We were gonna star gaze. We got to the spot. I watched Enno look around. He looked absolutely stunning. "Wow you did this for us?" Enno asked. "Yeah I did." I said getting down on one knee pulling out a ring. Enno looked at me. "Chikara I have loved you since I saw you run into the pole our first year. We've been together six years now and I was hope that we could be together the rest of our lives. Ennoshita Chikara will you marry me?" I asked. "Yes! A thousand times yes!" He said. "YES THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!" Someone shouted. "Noya you ruined their moment." Someone else said. I watched as our old team emerged from the trees. "Sorry Tanaka I'm not good at keeping secrets." Noya apologized. "Its okay." I said getting up and hugging Enno. "I'm so happy you said yes." I said smiling. "I'm glad you asked me to marry you." Enno replied. The rest of the night we all stargazed. At two we all when to our houses. Years and years will pass. While Enno and I will grow together for the rest of our lives.

Ight folks that's the end they are getting married and living the rest of their lives together happily ever after!!!!!!!! I'm glad y'all read my story and hoped yall all liked it. Thank you for giving me ideas that pretty much continued the story until now where it's officially over!!! But anyways you should read my Tsukki x Kuroo story the name of it is a little bit of everything!!!

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