Chapter Thirty-Four

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Caleb Pierson POV:

I let out a sigh of relief as my foot touched the floor of the plane. I was nearly out of breath after racing to make the flight at all. I'd left my bag in a bathroom by the front of the airport, so I had to run all the way there and get it. One of the flight attendants gave me a dirty look when I stepped back onto the plane — I'd assume she wasn't too happy that I made her wait to take off.

Reaching into my back pocket, I grabbed my ticket and brought it out in front of me.

Seat 13B. I tightened my grip around the handle of my bag and began walking down the aisle of the plane, counting each row as I went. I stopped at row 13 and glanced into the seats.

Emma was seated at the window seat, and Jordan sat in the aisle.

I was perfectly happy to sit next to Jordan — I could tell her all about my plan for this trip.

Emma, however, was a different story.

I saw her glance up at me when I reached our row, and I think I saw her jaw tighten up a bit. She turned up the volume of the music she was listening to and turned her head to look out the window.

We're still at a rocky point in our relationship, but I think I can fix it all soon. Once I uncover everything I need to know about Percy and Annabeth, Emma will come around. She's just blinded right now.

Jordan drew her legs into her chest, letting me step past her and take my seat. I shot her a friendly smile before turning my attention to the flight attendant at the front of the plane.

As the plane began to move, the flight attendant gestured her arms to inform everyone on oxygen masks, flotation devices, and emergency exits. When she was finished, I felt the plane slow down a bit while we made the turn onto the runway.

Then, it began to shoot forward. I turned to look out the window, excited to see us leave the ground. I didn't get to fly much, so I liked to enjoy the view whenever I could.

Emma glanced up from the book she was now reading, because we had to turn off our phones while taking off. She followed my eyes to the window, then moved her hand up and slowly shut the shade.

Wow, she's not even going to be subtle about her anger, is she?

I felt the plane lurch up and sunk back into my seat, disappointed to have missed the takeoff. Emma smiled to herself for a brief second before looking back down at her book. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, pretending to look deep in her reading.



I slid my notebook back into my backpack, zipping it shut and flipping up my tray table. I pulled my legs up into my seat as Emma stepped past me and a sleeping Jordan, walking toward the back of the plane to use the bathroom.

I took the opportunity to nudge Jordan's arm, ready to fill her in on my plan. She grumbled in protest, rolling away from me slightly. I shook her again and she groaned, slowly opening her eyes to adjust to the brightness of the plane.

"What?" She mumbled in-between a yawn.

"Emma left," I started, gesturing to her empty seat, "I wanted to tell you about my plan."

Jordan sat up a bit in her chair, albeit still looking disinterested. "I still think you're taking this a bit far, Caleb."

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