Chapter Two

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Caleb Pierson's POV:

It physically hurt to watch them be so friendly.  I was Annabeth's closest friend since we started high school, and yet she had barely batted an eye in my direction since the guy showed up.  He introduced himself to us as Percy Jackson, but that was pretty much the extent of the information we got before he turned his attention back to Annabeth. 

Looking around the lunch room, I noticed that there was a lot of attention on our table.  Sure, people are always interested in new kids, but there was a surplus of people staring Percy and Annabeth down.  Some of them looked angry, infatuated, or just curious in general.  I could already tell that this was going to be an interesting experience.  I took another bite of my sandwich, looking up at Percy and Annabeth as I heard my name mentioned.

"Caleb is the captain of the swim team, so if you wanted to join then you'd have to talk to him," she stated, looking over at me.  "Although in my opinion, I don't really think it's fair for you to use your abilities like that."  I raised an eyebrow, pondering over the weird statement.  Clearly Percy wasn't fazed by it, as he just chuckled.

"Hey, you use your 'abilities' in school every day, why can't I use mine?"  He retorted, smiling to himself as Annabeth opened her mouth to reply, nothing coming out for a second.

"I guess that's true."  She mused, taking a bite of her food.  Based on the look on Percy's face, he was very excited to have won the argument.  He laughed to himself, grunting a bit as Annabeth elbowed him in the chest.  Getting elbowed by Annabeth hurt, I would know better than anyone, so I'm surprised this guy wasn't hurt by it.

Emma finally broke them out of their private conversation.  "So, Percy, we still don't really know how you're friends with Annabeth."

Percy smiled at her, he and Annabeth simultaneously pulling out necklaces with clay beads from under their shirts.  He and Annabeth had a few matching beads, and assorted trinkets along the string.

"We go to the same summer camp together, have been for years."  Percy responded, smiling down at Annabeth.  I frowned a bit, realizing that this guy has known Annabeth way longer than I have.  That could be an issue.  I'm just glad lunch is finally over, I really can't listen to their inside jokes anymore.  I walk down the hallway, parting ways with Annabeth for a bit as I head to my locker.  I sort out my things, relieved to have finally gotten away from Percy.  Annabeth and I have Greek together now, so I'll get to spend a bit more time with her alone.  Greek is another thing I admire about Annabeth.  She could've chosen a more standard language, like Spanish or French, but she chose one of the more unique ones, and I think it fits her perfectly.  She doesn't belong with the normal people. 

I stroll down the hallway, waving to the occasional swim teammate or random acquaintance.  I slip into the west hall, starting toward W7.  I'm practically skipping at this point, excited to sit with Annabeth again.  Mr. Callas was a pretty chill teacher, which meant we got to sit wherever we want.  Annabeth and I always sat together, joking around throughout class and partnering for in-class assignments.

I swung the door open, taking a couple steps towards my seat before stopping, realizing Annabeth wasn't there.  That's odd, she's never late to class.  I glance around the room, my eyes immediately locking onto the familiar blonde curls.  I blink, feeling a little neglected as I realize Annabeth is sitting with none other than Percy Jackson.  Stellar, of course he has to have this class.  I walk over to them, stammering out an awkward "hello" in Greek to Annabeth.  She smiles brightly at me, despite my messy pronunciation.  She replies with a much cleaner "hello" than I did, and Percy repeats it to me.  Parrot.  I bite my tongue, taking the seat in front of them.  I pull out a few supplies, listening in on their conversation subtly for a bit.  It takes a moment for me to realize that they aren't even speaking in English.  There having a conversation in complete, fluid Greek.  I blink in shock at how easily they talk to each other.  Fantastic, yet another thing I'll have to compete with.  This class needs to go by faster...



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