Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jordan Stuart POV:

Honestly, I think this plan is perfect, context-wise anyway. It's simple and easy to carry out. Besides, if there's one thing that I like about Annabeth, it's that she takes no crap. When that girl sees Percy cheating, she will drop him so fast.

I think it's pretty obvious that I don't like Annabeth. There's just some people that you don't get along with, y'know? That girl is seriously prideful. Hey, don't get me wrong, I love myself too, but you gotta draw the line somewhere. I swear, if that girl was given the option the build the entire world from the ground up, she'd happily do it.

Wow, that was a rant. I didn't even realized my fists were tightened, and now I have those little indents in my palm from my nails. Whatever, the point is, I don't like Annabeth Chase, and this plan is the perfect way to show her. That girl gets way too much attention, and that's probably the reason she has such a big head.

I huffed, kicking a rock down the sidewalk. It's just not fair. I'd kill for Caleb to look at me the way he looks at Annabeth, and she doesn't even care! I've liked Caleb for practically forever, but he's too blinded by Annabeth to even look at me. I clenched my fists again, shaking my head. Whatever, I can get over Caleb. I don't need him.

Besides, even a blind girl could tell be interested in Percy Jackson. I wouldn't mind kissing him one bit. Plus, it'll help Caleb and piss off Annabeth. A win-win-win.

I shook myself off, gathering my thoughts. I can do this. I cracked my knuckles and reached down to my back pocket, pulling out my phone and punching in the passcode. Now how do I do this? Despite Caleb's pretty blind hatred of Percy, I think the guy is actually pretty loyal. Caleb wants to see the worst, but I don't think I've even noticed Percy THINK about another girl. So how am I going to get him to hang out alone with me? I don't think we're close enough for me to just ask him to get food somewhere one on one.

What classes do we have together? We can't really study for P.E....Maybe I could get him to study something else with me...although I'm not sure his grades are exactly tutor-worthy. He's not stupid, but I'm pretty sure books are his least favorite things in the world. You would think he couldn't read English.

Wait, isn't he in the advanced Greek class? I'm in the regular class, this is perfect! I'll get through the plan, and maybe I'll actually understand some Greek too. I wanted to take French, but the class filled up too quickly. Life's not fair.

Alright. Back to the task at hand.

hey percy!

hey, what's up?

just working on some homework. greek is kicking my ass, wbu?

same, but with basically every subject that's not greek. school's not really my thing

yeah, i get that. you have ADHD, right?

yep, dslexyia too
you know what i mean

I chuckled at my phone, shaking my head. Dork.

yeah, i get it, don't worry.
hey, speaking of greek, i wanted to ask a favor.


you're in the advanced greek class, and i kinda suck. is there any way you could tutor me or something?

i don't know, i'm not much of a teacher. annabeth would probably be a way bigger help than i would...

no way, i'm sure you're a great teacher! i've heard you speak greek, you're insanely talented.

that's nice, but i promise i'm not going to be much help

it would just be one time! if it fails, then i'll figure something else out. please? you'd potentially be saving my life


I don't like how long he's been typing. Please say yes, please say yes...

alright, i'll try, but just the one time, okay? i don't want to somehow make your grades worse

when and where?

you could come to annabeth's house if you wanted to, i should have some free time this weekend

sounds perfect, i'll see you then!


(little time skip, don't mind me)

Percy dropped the pencil on the notebook, clasping his hands together. "See? I told you that you could do it. Mr. Andino's work is pretty easy once you figure about his pattern."

I stared at the paper, dumbfounded at the words scrawled all over it. I actually...understood? Percy may not have been that confident about his teaching ability, but that doesn't change the fact that he kicks ass at Greek. "I know I already said this, but you're seriously a lifesaver." I said, staring up at him. He glanced up too, giving me a quick smile before looking back down at the paper. My shoulders slumped a little at that. Caleb might think this guy isn't loyal, but I can't even get eye contact with him that last longer than 2 seconds. He seriously doesn't care about any other girls.

I studied his face for a bit as he talked about something or other. I've had a crush on Caleb for a while now, but that doesn't mean I'm blind; Percy is seriously hot. There's something about him that just draws you in. Great, yet another reason to be jealous of Annabeth.

On queue, the lock on the front door clicked. Oh shit, Annabeth! The plan!

My eyes widened and I jerked my head up, causing Percy to look over at me again.

"You okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. The doorknob turned. Crap, crap, crap! I was supposed to get him to kiss me!

The door swung open a bit, and I saw a flash of blonde curls. Without a second thought, I turned my head again, grabbed Percy's face, pulled him in, and squeezed my eyes shut. God help me.


thanks to everyone who checked in on me, you all are absolute angels :)

also this chapter is very cliche but it makes me laugh so i wanted to add it anyway. did i write it instead of doing homework? again? yes❤️


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