Chapter Twenty-Five

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Caleb Pierson's POV:

I shoved my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, shaking off any nerves.  I've gone to Annabeth's house like a million times before, so I don't understand why I'm so nervous about it now. Maybe it's the fact that Mr. Chase might think I'm obsessed with his daughter at this point (which I'm not, but the number of times I went to his house over the summer might make it seem that way).

The good thing is, I'm finally going to be able to talk to Annabeth one on one and get some answers out of her. Everyone's been worried sick about her. She'd always been different, mysterious even, but I feel like things have gotten even worse since Percy showed up. She's gotten ten times more secretive, and now she's getting into dangerous stuff? I can't let her ruin her life for some guy, especially not a guy like Percy Jackson.

Speaking of, Percy should be out of town this weekend. He had said something on Friday about leaving for New York to go see his mom. Annabeth should be alone at that point, which is exactly what she needs to tell me everything.  If Percy isn't there breathing down her neck, maybe I'll finally get a definite answer about what's been going on.


I finally got to Annabeth's house, jogging up the front steps of her porch.  I took in one last deep breath before raising my hand and knocking on the front door a few times.  There was silence for a second, before a muffled voice called something inside.  A much younger voice replied, a slightly annoyed tone in his voice, before rapid footsteps approached the door.  The lock clicked, and one of Annabeth's little brothers swung the door open and looked up at me.  Was it Matthew? Or Bobby? I could never tell the two apart...

"Who are you?"  He asked, raising an eyebrow. Ouch. I thought I'd been over here enough times that her little brothers might recognize me.  Well, technically I can't recognize them either so I can't exactly be mad, but still. Ouch.

"I'm Annabeth's friend...I come over here all the time, how do you not recognize me?"  I asked.

The twin shrugged, clearly bored.  "I dunno, Annabeth has a ton of friends. Besides, you aren't one of her cool friends. Are you?"

Annabeth has a ton of friends? As far as I knew it was just our small group and Percy...unless he's talking about her camp friends.  Also, why doesn't this kid think I'm cool?  I'm cool!

"Hey, I'm cool!"  I repeated out loud, frowning.  The twin's eyes widened at that, and he was clearly more interested in me now. 

"No way, really?!" He whipped his head around, calling into the living room. "Bobby, one of Annabeth's cool friends is here!"  He called for Bobby, so this one must be Matthew.

Bobby came hurdling over the couch, practically tripping over his own feet as he came toward the door.  "Is it Leo?! I miss that guy!"  He stops at the door, staring at me for a second before blinking.  "You're not one of the regulars.  What's your name?"

"Uh, Caleb," I replied.

Bobby and Matthew shared a look before shrugging and turning back to face me.  "Doesn't ring a bell.  Who's your mom?"

What kind of question is that?  "Huh?"

"Like her name?"  Matthew said.

"Or what she does?"  Bobby added.

I racked my brain for a second.  I felt like I was missing out on some kind of inside joke.  "Uh, her name's Andrea, and she's a lawyer."

Matthew shook his head, almost like I'd said something wrong.  "Oh...then who's your dad?"

"Also a lawyer?"

Bobby's shoulders slumped.  "Awh man, I thought you said you were one of her cool friends.  Whatever, Annabeth's upstairs."

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