Chapter Thirteen

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Caleb Pierson's POV:

It was lunchtime now, but I definitely didn't feel like eating.  I had promised Andrew this morning that I would ask Annabeth out, but I'm really regretting the promise now.  Everytime I look at her I get nervous.  Now, if I don't tell her by the end of the day, I owe Andrew $50.  And I don't have $50, so it's now or never.

It might just be easier to text her, but is that really the most romantic way to do it?  Who am I kidding, I don't have time for romance, I have a deadline!  But she might not think I'm serious if I send it through a text.

And let me tell you, I've never been more serious about anything in my entire life. Sure, Annabeth had always been pretty, smart, athletic, basically everything you look for in a girl, and we'd always been really close friends. I always knew I liked her as more than a friend, but I wasn't sure how serious it was. Now that Percy's here and I've noticed how jealous I let myself get, I'm officially sure of one thing. I'm in love with Annabeth Chase.

I take a deep breath, realizing what I just thought. Wow, I really love her, don't I? That's not something I thought I'd feel until I was older, but I guess you just know when you meet your soulmate. Alright, it's official. I'm ready to ask her out. It's happening today, and nothing is going to stop me.

I smiled to myself, looking up from my lap and finally taking a bite of my sandwich. A weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Emma turned her head away from the lunch conversation, raising an eyebrow at my smile. I waved her off, joining in on the conversation. I've never felt more prepared for anything.


As the last of the students empty out of the hallway, I shake out my body and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Annabeth's right there at her locker, looking as perfect as ever, but suddenly, I'm not as scared to tell her how I feel. I'm just focusing on how happy I'll be when she says yes.

"Annabeth?" I called out to her, walking over to her locker. She turned to me, a few textbooks held against her chest, and grinned.

"Hey Caleb, what's up? I thought you would've gone home by now." She replied, removing an arm from her books to brush a loose curl away from her face.

"I had to talk to you before I left today, but I didn't want anyone else to be around." I said.

"Oh?" She wondered aloud. "What did you need to talk to me about?"

"I was wondering," I spoke slowly, "if you were busy this weekend."

She pursed her lips for a second, probably going over her schedule in her head. "I don't think so, why, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner or see a movie or something." I answered confidently.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun! Who else is coming?" She asked. Okay, she's clearly not getting the hint, but that's fine.

"Well, it'd just be us, actually. It'd be weird to invite more people to a date." I concluded, my heart beating out of my chest at this point. Was that too forward?

My heart dropped into my stomach when I saw the look on her face. She was saying no. She was rejecting me. Why did I do this?

"Oh, Caleb..." She started, her face softening in sympathy.

"Annabeth," I interrupted, "I've liked you for so long now, and I just think a date would be a chance for us to get closer. It's just one date, what's the harm? We've been best friends forever now, you can't say that there's nothing here." I gestured between us frantically.

"Caleb, listen-" She started again.

"Annabeth, come on," I interjected once more, "I get that it might be weird because we're best friends, and I know you don't want to ruin our friendship in case something goes wrong, but why would anything go wrong? We're perfect for each other!"

Annabeth sighed, looking away from me sadly. "Caleb, you really are a great guy, but I just...can't."

"Why not?" I pressed. "What could possibly be in the way of us?"

I have to hold myself back from attacking Percy when he walks up behind Annabeth, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on top of her head. "Hey guys, what's up?"

I grit my teeth, my eyes narrowing as I stare at him. How dare he get that close to her? No one should touch her like that except for me, I'm supposed to be her boyfriend.

Wait. If that's how I would hold her if I were her boyfriend, and Percy's holding her like that, then that can't mean that Percy...

I snapped my head back up, looking frantically between the two. "Wait, you two aren't..?"

Percy raised an eyebrow in confusion, and Annabeth muttered something to him in Greek. I should've paid attention more in class, then I'd know what's going on.

Whatever Annabeth said sent Percy into his aggressive protection mode again. He hugged Annabeth slightly closer to himself, staring me down without breaking eye contact. If looks could kill, I'd be on my way to my own funeral already.

"I'm sorry, Caleb..." Annabeth trailed off, waiting for my response. I honestly didn't even know what to say to her. I was upset, hurt, jealous...but more than anything, I was pissed. She's really going to stay in this abusive relationship instead of coming with me?

She's probably scared to leave. That's why she turned me down. There's no reason for me to give up yet. This is become more than getting Annabeth to be my girlfriend, now I have to get Percy out of the picture permanently.

"Caleb?" Annabeth tilted her head. "Are you alright?"

I scoffed, pushing my tongue against the inside of my cheek and looking away from her. I look up at Percy, who's still staring me down. I shake my head, spin around on my heel and head for the front door, leaving them behind me. Alright, Percy Jackson. You might think you've won, but this is so far from over. Just you wait. Annabeth and I are meant for each other, and you're just the last obstacle standing in our way.

I'm going to wait for a few more comments to roll in about the "exposing demigods" bit, just so I get a good number of people.  I'll keep you posted!


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