Chapter 18 - My Face Hurts From Smiling

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Maggie's POV

As I begin to walk towards my car in the parking lot, my heart is soaring; my stomach is in knots. Oh my god! Oh my god! He loves me! He flippin loves me,, and I love him! It's so soon,, but it's so right and so perfect!

I hop into the car and check my makeup in the mirror. My face is actually sore from smiling so much these past few days,, but I can't help but smile ear to ear as I think about him. He's so good to me; I could not have ever dreamed up a more perfect man to be with. I hate that I have to keep it a secret,, but I can't trust too many people,, and I don't want this to get out to our boss. He may suspect something if we aren't careful and not allow us to work together any longer. I realize that we must do our best to keep it quiet. 

 I shake myself from my thoughts and turn the key in the ignition, speeding off out of the parking lot en route back to Momma's house. Once I pull up, I hop out and rush inside. As I shut the door behind me, I am greeted by Chloe as she excitedly barks while prancing at my feet, "Hi,, fluff nugget." I say as I bend down to pick her up. She licks my chin as I waltz into the kitchen while holding her to find Momma sitting at the table, "Hey,, Momma." I greet her as I pull up a seat at the table next to her. 

"Well,, hello, darling. What is up with you today?" she asks curiously, smiling ear to ear. 

My cheeks begin to flush, "I'm just happy,, Momma."

"Wow, I can see that. It looks good on you." She says while patting my arm. 

"Momma, I have to tell you something. Please don't tell anyone."

"Okay, what is it?" she asks. 

"Dom and I said I love you to each other," 

Momma immediately sets her coffee down on the table. A look of shock crosses her face, "What?! You are kidding?!"

"No! I"m so in love with him, Momma!" 

She begins fanning herself with her newspaper, "Oh, my,  I need a moment to take this in." 

I reach out and place my hand on her arm, "What are you thinkin Momma?" I ask. 

" Well, I'm thinking...I think it's wonderful." She says with tears pooling in her eyes. 

"You do?" 

"Yes! I do. I am so happy for you." She says as she reaches out to pull me in for an embrace. 

Tears begin to well in my eyes, "Ugh! Momma. I just want to cry. I feel like I'm flying." 

"Well, fly high, honey and make me some sweet little grandbabies."

Momma and I begin roaring with laughter, "Whoa, slow down, Momma. I have to tell you something personal about Dom." 

"What is it?" she asks as she wipes the tears from her eyes with a tissue. 

"Well, he told me he had a brain tumor removed a couple of years ago," I whisper.

 "Oh my God! Was it cancerous?" 

"Yes," I respond while nodding my head. I lean down to kiss Chloe on the top of her head. 

"Poor guy!" 

"He told me that he went through the treatment and said it was rough, but he's cancer free as of now. He did say it led to his divorce. I guess she couldn't handle it." 

"Oh, he was married before?" she asks. 


She shakes her head from side to side, "Well chemo and radiation has some brutal side effects. Are you prepared to deal with it coming back if it does?" she asks.

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