It Has To Stop

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It Has To Stop

(Y/N) and Thomas’ Daughter Pov

“Thomas, you are never here!” Mom yells at Dad. I shake as I hear the words fill my ears.

“I’m here now! But what are we doing, oh yeah that’s right, we’re fighting!” Daddy yells back. I wince at his tone of voice.

“The only reason we are fighting is because this is the first time you’ve been home in at least a month!” I hear Mom retort back.

“Bloody hell!” Dad screams. “What do you want from me?” he asks.

“I want you to be here for me. No, I don’t care if you are here for me, but for Kyley,” Mom tells him. I feel a shiver run down my spine as I hear my name come up in the fight. I pull my knees into my body as I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I lay my head in between my knees and feel the tears fall down my legs. I glance over at my desk and see our family photo. We all have grins that go from ear to ear. It was taken when I was 5, now I’m 8. In the picture we were all laying in the grass, under a big tree, staring at the clouds. It hurts to think we aren't the same family anymore. We haven’t been that family since Daddy started working out of the country, a lot. I don’t blame him for this, it’s just sometimes I just wish he wasn't gone, for so long, so far away.

“Thomas, our daughter has cried herself to sleep because you weren’t here!” Mom says. She’s not wrong. I have. The first week he was gone, I bawled like a baby all day. By the second and third week, it was just crying myself to sleep.

“She has…” Dad stutters. I hear him trail off. Oh no. Now this is all my fault. I hear footsteps, walking up the stairs. Each step is louder. I feel my head pounding. This is too much. Tears start to stream down my cheeks.

“Baby?” I hear my dad say. I can tell he’s right outside my door. Then he pushes open my door. I hurriedly try to wipe away my tears. I’m a little too late, he sees them. I see my mom standing behind him in the doorway. My dad walks over to my bed and sits on the edge of it, placing a hand on mine. “Kyley…” Dad says, barely audible for me to hear, a couple feet away. “I didn’t know how much I hurt you by being gone…” he trails off again. I feel myself crawl over to him and curl up in a ball on his lap. I cry into his chest.

“Daddy, don’t go. Don’t fight,” I hear myself say. I feel Dad stroking my hair. Then I feel his head turn towards my mom in the doorway. When I glance up, at my mom, I realize she wasn’t there anymore. I turned my head to the other side of the room. I see my mom, sitting next to my dad. Their hands are interlocked. I see Dad looking at Mom like he used to. With love. Deep love. I place my hand on top of their hands. They both look away from each other to look at me. I smile at the love that has regrown. They smile back.

“I’m sorry,” Dad says. I don’t know if he’s talking to Mom or me. Maybe he’s talking to both of us. I see Mom lean in and kiss his cheek.

“It’s alright, Thomas, we can work this out,” Mom tells him.

I glance over at the framed picture on my desk, one more time, before I fall asleep. Tonight, Mom and Dad both tucked me in. Daddy kissed my forehead, like he used to and Mommy read me a story like she does every night.

I stare at the picture in the moonlight, shining in through the window. I see our smiles and I know that family is back.

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