Meeting His Parents

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Meeting His Parents

Thomas sat in the drivers seat as I sat in the passenger seat. His hand was comfortingly resting my upper thigh. I felt like throwing up. We were on our way to Thomas’ parents’ house. Oh god. I stared out the window, observing the gorgeous houses on the street. They were all big enough to be mansions. I can’t believe this is where Thomas grew up. I felt my hands shaking in my lap. I have never met one of my boyfriend’s parents before, so this was nerve wracking. Thomas must have noticed my fright because he laid his hand on top of mine.

“Love, it’s gonna be fine,” Thomas said, trying to comfort me.

“How do you know that?” I asked, a little shaken up.

“Because you are too amazing for them not to love you,” Thomas said, kissing my hand, at a stop light.

“It’s just… I’ve never done this before,” I tell Thomas. I drop my head and feel a tear trickle down my cheek.

“Done what, love?” Thomas asked tilting his head a bit.

“Met someone’s parents. You know like a boyfriend’s parents,” I admit to Thomas. His eyes widen.

“Really?” he asks.

“Yeah, all my boyfriends were jerks and would dump me before I met their parents or leave me out of the blue. Or sometimes they wouldn’t even have parents, like they hated them so much,” I tell Thomas. I have had a lot of crappy relationships the last few years. All the guys I’ve ever dated actually, have been losers. I guess I just attract idiots. Except for Thomas. He is the only genuine boyfriend I’ve ever had. And I love him with all my heart. I’m just waiting for the day that Thomas becomes my recent boyfriends. Becomes a jerk or a loser or a pervert. I cross my fingers in my lap, praying that won’t happen.

“Well, love, you’ll do great,” Thomas reassured me. I scoff under my breath. I hope he didn’t hear that. “(Y/N),” Thomas says, softly. I turn to look at him. He caresses my cheek with his hand and then kisses my forehead. “You’ll be fine,”

We make it to Thomas’ parent’s house. It was huge. The yard was filled with perfect, green grass. A hammock hung between two trees. Then there was the garden that filled the side of the house with a vary of colors. The porch was like one from a victorian house. I gasped at the sight of the most captivating house I’d ever seen.

Thomas got out and like the gentleman he is, he ran around the car, to my side and opened my door for me.

“Thank you,” I say as Thomas puts out his hand for me to take. He pulls me up to my feet. I smooth out my knee high, flower printed dress. Thomas takes my hand and we walk into the house Thomas grew up in. I stop walking before we make it to the door. Thomas turns to me.

“(Y/N)?” Thomas said. I look down at my feet. “(Y/N), it’s gonna be okay,” Thomas said, trying to comfort me. He slung his arm around my shoulder, holding me close to him. I could feel his heartbeat as I laid my head on my chest. Then we began to walk again. Thomas rang the doorbell, hooking arms with me. I put on the most sincere smile I could muster. The door opened and a petite woman with reddish hair stood in the doorway. A smile grew on her face as she saw Thomas and I. The woman hugged Thomas, then hugged me. She pulled away from me, still holding onto my arms, inspecting me.

“Wow, Thomas, you got really lucky with this one,” she says, like I’m not in front of her. I glance over at Thomas and see a blush come across his face. Aww.

“Mum!” Thomas says, annoyed. Thomas’ mom lets go of my arms and gestures for us to come in. Thomas leads me to the dining room.

“Supper should be done in about ten minutes,” Thomas’ mom told us. Thomas nodded as his mom walked back into the kitchen.

“Mum, where’s Dad and Ava?” Thomas yelled to him mom.

“Living room,” she yelled back. Thomas grabbed my hand and pulled me through some halls and into a huge room. I saw an older man and a teenage girl. The man has darker hair and a receding hairline. The girl had longish, red hair, kinda like her mom.

“Dad… Ava,” Thomas said. Both of their heads turned towards us. Their faces lit up.

“Thomas!” Ava squealed. She leaped off the couch and into his arms. “I missed you!” Ava whispered into his ear. Thomas pulled away and turned Ava towards me.

“Ava, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N),” Thomas introduced us. Ava’s smile grew as she hugged me. I noticed Thomas hugging his dad too. Ava pulled away and eyed me up.

“Tommy! You lucked out!” Ava said, jokingly.

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Thomas said, chuckling. I laugh too.

“Dad, this is (Y/N),” Thomas aid, to his dad. He stuck his hand out to me and I shook it. Then he pulled me into a hug. Wow, this family is very touchy feely. I smile at my thoughts.

“Nice to meet you all,” I say, as Thomas’ dad pulled away. Then after our introduction, we all sit on the couch. We share stories about Thomas and I’s adventures, my family, their family. Everything you could think of. Finally, Thomas’ mom called us for dinner. Thomas pulled out my chair for me and I heard Ava ‘aw’ at us. I smiled.

“So, (Y/N), what do you do for a living,” Thomas’ mom asks.

“I’m a novelist,” I tell them.

“Oh, really, you know my grandfather was a novelist,” she told me.

“Really? Well, that’s cool,” I say. We chat for the rest of dinner about random subjects. We laughed alot and talked like we have known each other forever.

After about five hours of us talking Ava heads upstairs to bed. I feel a yawn coming. Thomas notices that I’m tired.

“Love, shall we go back to our hotel?” Thomas asked. I nod.

“Why don’t you two just stay here. You can sleep in Thomas’ room!” Tasha, Thomas’ mom, suggested.

“Mum…” Thomas begins.

“That’s a great idea,” I say, cutting Thomas off. Thomas just nods. We all head to our rooms. Thomas and I head upstairs. I feel really sleepy. I walk like a zombie up to Thomas’ room.

“Love, are you okay?” Thomas asks. I shrug, my eyes feeling heavy. Then before I know it Thomas picks me up bridal style and carries me to his room. I fall asleep before Thomas even lays me down.

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