Nanny McPhee To Scorch Trials Part 2

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Nanny McPhee To Scorch Trials Part 2

My heartbeat quickens immensely as I end the call. I fight the urge not to scream and/or jump up and down happily. I try to calm myself, as my hands shake and my mouth curls up into a smile.

The first thing that pops into my head is the thought of Thomas. I need to tell him the good news. My shaky fingers dial his number.

“Hello?” I hear his British accent say on the other end of the phone.

“Thomas!” my excitement comes through when I say his name.

“(Y/N)! Did you get it?” Thomas says, reading my mind. He’s so good at that.

“Yes!” I shriek. I can’t hold it in any longer.

“That’s fantastic! I’ll be over in a few,” I hear Thomas say before the line goes dead. My smile stays as I wait for Thomas to arrive.

I quickly run upstairs and change into something less ugly. I decide on a pair of jeans to replace my sweat pants and a cute flowy cami to replace my sweat shirt. I put on a little mascara and lipgloss. Then I hear a knock on the door. I stumble down the stairs, ready to leap into Thomas’ arms.

I open the front door and jump, tackling Thomas. We both fall into the grass in my front yard. I kiss him for a long time, not wanting to ever stop. After a while, I pull away so I can breath. As I breath, very close to Thomas’ face, I see a smile creep onto Thomas’ face.

“I’m so proud of you,” Thomas whispers onto my cheek as he kisses it. I never want to leave this spot on my front lawn. I lay my head on his chest and listen to the constant rhythm of his heart. “(Y/N), can I tell you something?” I hear Thomas ask. I can feel his chest bounce as he talks.

“Of course,” I reply, not knowing what to expect. I feel Thomas hand find my own and intertwine our fingers. Then I feel his other hand play with my hair. Thomas keeps wrapping strands of my hair around his finger then unwrapping it. There’s a long silence where Thomas doesn’t say anything. For a while I thought that he might have forgotten what he was gonna say or that he was gonna say anything at all.

“(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?” Thomas asks. Before I can even answer he continues to ramble on. “I know we’ve only been together for 10 days, but I really like you. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, crazy, weird, amazing woman I’ve ever met and ever will meet. And I know you probably don’t feel the same way, but-” Thomas kept rambling so I had to shut him up. I lifted my head off his chest and placed my lips onto his. I pulled away and watched as Thomas’ shocked eyes opened slowly.

“I had to shut you up. You were rambling again, babe,” I tell him, chuckling. A smile turns up onto Thomas's face.

“I like how you shut me up,” Thomas laughs. Then I get up, pulling him up with me. Then kissing his cheek.

“And yes… I would love to be your girlfriend,” I say. Thomas’ eyes widen and so does his smile.

“Really?” Thomas says, tilting his head to the side. He acts like I’m joking.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I say yes?” I respond. Thomas just shrugs. Then he lifts me up, bridal style, and carries me into my house.

(A/N): Okay thanks for all the comments and votes!!! But I especially want to thank you guys for all the reads. I just reached 100 thousand!!!!! Yay!!! PS I am going on a trip, so I’ll not be able to update until next week Monday or Tuesday. Still feel free to request.

Thanks a Bunch!!!

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