who is he

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Today is the day that you're finally going to hype to see one of your childhood best friends  Jaden. You met in kindergarten and ever since then you had been inseparable you grew up together  and you would spend nearly every day with each other until he moved to la you've missed him, you haven't seen him in nearly a year other than the face time calls but it's not the same. it's taken a while to convince your parents to let you move out to la and follow your dreams and after lots of begging, they've finally let you move into the spare house.

you and Jaden have been through everything together you stood by each other when you didn't have the energy to leave your house he is the only one who knows how bad your mental health has been and he's the only one that has actually tried to help you, even when he's not been there he's always texting you to make sure you have ate or just to make sure you are okay. Your so proud of him for following his dreams he never thought it would happen so when he got the opportunity to follow his dreams you made sure he did.

You've recently blown up on TikTok and you don't know how to feel about it you've always kept yourself to yourself and tried to stay away from fame and it worked.

you yawn as you grab your phone from the table and look at the time you see that its 10:25 am You sigh as you get out of bed and walk into your bathroom you look in the mirror as you take your hair out of the bun and brush it then, you strip out of your clothes and get in the shower. once you have done everything you need to do you get out of the shower and wrap a towel around yourself and go into your bedroom you sit down at your vanity and decide to do some makeup. you put on some foundation,  concealer,  powder, bronzer, lip gloss, and some mascara. once you are happy with how you look you then walk over  to your closet and pick out some clothes you decide to wear a baggy tee shirt and some black ripped jeans. after you get changed you brush your hair and teeth then you put on some perfume then you brush your hair and decide to leave it down today. while you are in the bathroom you hear your phone ringing from the other room so you quickly go and grab it.

Elliana: hey Jaden

Jaden: hey Ell, what time are you coming over today?

Elliana: umm I'm not sure, about 2 ish 

Jaden: yeah that sounds good everyone can't wait to meet you in person

Elliana: I can't wait to meet them too, I'm going to go to starbucks can you ask everyone if they want everything

you hear him ask everyone and a few say they don't want anything and a few say they do and tell him what they want then he tells you

Elliana: okay I'm leaving now, I will text you when I'm outside

Jaden: okay, bye ell

Elliana: okay bye Jaden

you end the call and grab your car keys and head down stirs you then put on your shoes and head out to your car you hook your phone up to the Bluetooth once your phone has connected you start the 15 minute drive to Starbucks. Once you get there you order the drinks

worker: hey what can I get for you

you tell her all of the orders

worker: okay is that everything

Elliana: yep

worker: okay can you pull to the next window, please 

Elliana: okay thank you

you say as you pull up to the next window

worker: that will be $45.35, please

you grab your bank card and pay then she gives you your drinks as you thank her once you have got everything you continue the 10 minute drive to hype. once you get there you grab your phone and text Jaden


hey, I'm outside

okay I'm coming now

you turn your phone off your kind of nervous to meet everyone you've spoken to them when you have been on face time with Jaden but it's different what if they don't like you, you soon get pulled out of your thoughts as Jaden opens your car door. he smiles as he looks at you, you quickly get out of the car and give him a massive hug

Elliana: I've missed you so much Jaden

Jaden: I've missed you too, ell it's been so long

Elliana: I know Jay

once he lets go of you he grabs a few of the drinks and leads you to the door and opens it you take a deep breath as you step inside you follow him closely behind him to the kitchen and set the drinks down on the counter


you can hear everyone stand up and head towards the kitchen once they all get in the kitchen Jaden hands them their drinks as you stand there quietly until a girl roughly the same Hight as you  walks over to you

kovur: hi I'm kovur it's great to finally meet you in person

Elliana: it's nice to finally meet you too

you all spend the next few hours talking and getting to know each other. you like it here everyone is so nice it feels like you have known them for years

kovur: hey Elliana do you want to film a TikTok with me

Elliana: yeah of course

she smiles as you both sand up and she finds a sound to use then you film the TikTok it takes a few tries because either one of you messes up or starts laughing. you can tell you kovur will become good friends she's nice everyone is, you are all in the kitchen a tall light brown curly haired boy walks into the room he has light hazel eyes with tattoos on his arms, he gives you a slight smile as he walks over to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water then she speaks to Thomas then he walks back upstairs so you turn to Jaden.

Elliana: who was that

Jaden: oh that Vinnie he, he joined hype last week

Elliana: oh okay

as Jaden is about to say something else you grab your phone from off the table and see Loades of notifications from TikTok you smile as you click on to the app and see that you have gained a few thousand followers since you filmed that TikTok you also see that Vinnie had also followed you you smile than put your phone back down after another few hours you decided you should probably go home you say your goodbyes to everyone then you head out to your car and start the 30 minuet drive back to your house you really enjoyed today everyone was nice and welcoming to you its been a really good day.

once you get home you head inside and get ready for bed after you had changed into some different cloths and wiped off your make up you get into bed you put your phone on charge as you are about to go to sleep you get a message so you decide to see who it is


hey, its Vinnie Jaden gave me your number.

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