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Once you get to hype you get out of your car as Jaden grabs all of the trash and heads inside as you closely follow behind him. Once you get inside you follow Jaden into the living room everyone is talking so you sit down on the couch quietly you feel a little anxious so you grab your phone from out of your pocket and go on instagram you scroll through for a while until you you get a Dm from a random account so you decide to look at you feel the colour drain from your face as you read the message

Hey baby, I'm on my way to la right now I can't wait to see you again, you can't hide from me ell I have eyes everywhere I've been told you was at saddle each a few days ago with someone, and I'm not happy about that but I will just have to deal with that when I get there. I'll see you soon ell

Your hands shake as you look at the message as everyone's voices drowns out all you can hear is your heavy breathing and your heart pounding as tears fill your eyes. you son get pulled back to reality to the sound of Jaden shouting your name

Jaden : ell...ell...elliana
Elliana: y-yeah
Jaden: what's wrong are you okay

You look around the room and everyone is giving you a worried look you see vinnie staring at you, you quickly look away and look back at Jaden

Elliana: nothing I'm fine jay, but I'm umm going to go I have a few thing I need to do

you say as you quickly get up and rush towards the front door you can hear Jaden stand up and starts to follow you as he calls your name. you walk out of the house and quickly get in your car and drive away one you are away from hype you hear your phone start to ring you look and see it's Jaden so you put your phone on do not disturb and let the tears fall as you get to a red light your mind starts to wonder how did Archie know you was at saddle ranch who was watching us you start to think about what he might do to you when he gets to la it's only a 9 hr flight from Chattanooga, Tennessee. You sigh as you continue to drive around for a hour or so until you have no where else to go except from your house you you start the 40 minute drive back to your house. You sigh in relief when you see nobody is at your house do you park your car in garage and hog inside out go straight into your room and lay down on your bed. You grab your phone from out of your pocket you see a bunch of missed calls gram Jaden and some messages from him and vinnie you shake your head slightly as you text them both and tell them that you are okay and it was nothing to worry about they both text back but you ignore the messages and put your phone down and try to get some sleep it only take you a few minutes but so soon fall asleep

You wake up to the sound of someone knocking on your door your heart starts to race as you slowly get out of your bed and head down stairs your heart pounding against your chest as you slowly reach out and open your door very slightly as you poke your head around the door expecting to see Archie but instead to see Jaden you let out a sigh of relief as you open the door fully

Jaden looks at you and can see your red puffy eyes he sighs as he sees that you are slightly shaking

Jaden: ell what's happened
Elliana: it's nothing jay I promise
Jaden: it Didn't seem like nothing
Elliana: well it was Jaden so don't worry
Jaden: ell can I come In please we need to talk about this
You sigh and move away from the door so he can come in and follows you into the kitchen  you stay silent while Jaden stays to talk to you
Jaden: is it Archie has he messaged you
Your eyes go wide
Elliana: what no of course not
Jaden gives you a pleading look
Jaden: please, ell just tell me what's wrong I worried about you
Elliana: well don't be jay, I just need some sleep I will be back to normal tomorrow, I promise
He sighs as he nods his head

you quickly change the subject before he could ask any more questions you both talk for the next few hours it really took your mind off of things. after a while he tells you he has to go once he goes you grab our phone from off your bed you look at the time and see that it is 9:32 pm you sigh knowing Archie will be landing any time now. your phone starts to buzz so you look and see its from the Instagram account

I've just landed,I'll be there soon.

You feel tears prick your your eyes as you read the message over and over again as tears fall from your eyes. You slam your phone down on the table as you grab your car keys and get in your car and drive to the closest corner store. Once you get out of your and head inside and go straight up to the counter

Worker: hi, what can I get you
Elliana: hi can I get a packet of cigarettes please and a lighter
He nods his head as he grabs the things and sets them down on the counter
Worker: that will be $15 dollars, please

You hand him the money and walk out of the stall you quit smoking nearly 5 months ago it was really hard to quit but you did and now you've ruined everything. You sigh as you bring  the cigarette up to your lips and light it as you take a big puff you sigh in relief as you start to get nicotine rush you've missed the feeling.

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