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It's been 2 weeks since Archie Archie came back everything had gotten worse you have bruises all over your body, he's gotten worse over the past few weeks he takes your phone when he goes out so you can't tell anyone you don't have the energy to fight him anymore you just feel mum mentality and physical. He doesn't let you leave the house and when he dose he tracks your phone so he knows where you are at all times, you feel trapped again like there's no way out. You haven't spoken to anyone in weeks Jaden hasn't tried to contact you neither has vinnie.

You wake up to Archie pushing you
Archie: wake up
You open your eyes to be met with Archie standing in front of you
Archie: go get me Starbucks
You look at him for a few seconds staying silent as you see the anger start to build up in his eyes
Archie: did I fucking stutter I said get the fuck up and go get he Starbucks
He says as he grabs your wrist and pulls you out of the bed
Elliana: okay I'm sorry I'll go get it now

He lets go of your wrist as you quickly walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on as you stand there in front of your mirror as tears roll down your face I don't know how longer I can do this for you say as you drop your head as more tears continue to roll down your cheeks. You sigh as you strip out of your clothes and getting into the boiling hot shower you spend the next 20 minutes scrubbing your skin until it's sore then you quickly was your hair and get out of the shower. You dry your body and put on some sweatpants and a baggie top once you have down that you brush your hair you put on some concealer on the bruise that's on the side of your face then you go back into your room you see Archie on your bed with another joint, he started making you smoke need again you hate it but at the same time you love the feeling. He looks at you and pats the bed next to him so you slowly sit down next him he motions for you to take the joint so you do you take a few drags just enough
To feel the buzz the he turns to look at you and passes you your phone

Archie: get my usual and don't be fucking long
You nod your head and walk down stairs and put on your jacket to cover your wrists and then you put on your shoes and head out to your car once you are in your car you let out a breath you didn't know you was holding in. This will be the first time you had gone out in a week it feels good to have some fresh air, you sigh as you start your car and drive to Starbucks.

Once you get to Starbucks you get out of your car and head inside and get in the line  you grab your phone Pitt of your pocket and go onto Instagram you see a post from Jaden you sigh as you zoom in on the photo he doesn't look like himself he looks so tired you feel tears prick your eyes so you quickly blink them away and put your phone back in your pocket you hear the door open so you look up and see it's vinnie your heart drops so you put your head down and continue to wait in the line after what feels like hours it's your turn to order your drink

Worker: hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you
You tell her what Archie wants then you say what you want
Worker: will that be everything
Elliana: yeah
Worker: okay that will be $11 dollars please, are you paying cash or card
Elliana: card please
Worker: okay and what name would you like on the cups
Elliana: ellianna please
Worker: okay we will call you over when your drinks are ready

You tap your card on the machine and then you go and wait at a table as your walking to the table you hear vinnie say your name but you ignore him as your sitting at the table  while you are on your phone somone sits down so to you

Vinnie: ell
You look up at him as he frowns at you
Vinnie: where have you been nobody has been able to get ahold of you. I don't know what happened with you and Jaden but he's a mess ell
You feel tears prick your eyes as you look at him
Elliana: I'm sorry vinnie just please leave me alone

After you say that you head your name being calf so you stand up and start to walk away from vinnie

Vinnie: ell, wait
He says as he looks down at your wrist and sees the bruises covering your wrists leading up your arms. His eyes go wide as you he grabs your other hand. You quickly pull your hands away realising what he's looking at your heart starts pounding as he looks back up at you

Vinnie: ell what the fuck happened, who did that to you
Elliana: nobody vinnie it's nothing , just leave me alone
Vinnie: no elliana who the fuck did that to you tell me
Elliana: it's nothing okay I just fell over
Vinnie: falling over doesn't cause bruises like that 
Elliana: it's nothing okay just drop it tell Jaden I'm sorry

You say as you quickly walk away from him and go and get yours and Archie's coffee then you quickly walk out to your car and get in one e you are in your car you let the tears fall you wipe them away as you start the drive back to your house once you get there you take a deep breath as you get out of your car and go inside you can hear Archie in your kitchen so you go to him. Once he notices that you are in the kitchen he takes his drink out of your hand

Archie: what took you so long
Elliana: there was a long line I'm sorry
He nods his head at you
Archie: I'm going out 
Elliana; what time I'll you be back
Archie: I'll be back when I am

You nod your head as he heads towards the front door once you hear it close you feel some tears start to roll down your face thinking about the conversation you had with vinnie you walk upstairs and go into your room and lay down in your bed. You continue to think about what Vinnie said about Jaden it's your fault he's a mess you can't stop worrying about jaden, you eyes grow heavy as you fall asleep thinking about everything

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