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You start to open your eyes to you can feel some pressure on your arms once your eyes have focused you can see Jaden crying while hiking a towel around your arms you start to panic as you shoot up pulling away from Jaden
Jaden: ell calm down
You move away from him and look at him you can see his red eyes with tears rolling down his face he has blood all over his hands and shirt
You start to cry realising what's happened
Jaden: let me help you ell..... please
he says looking at you with a pleading look in his eyes you slowly nod your head as you start to cry Jaden gives you a slight smile and and moves Mm milky over to you you give him your arm as you look down he grabs a new wet towel and gently dabs your arms cleaning the blood away once he sees the damage you have done he lets out a a small sigh as a tear rolls down his face

Jaden: why
She says under his breath as she moves onto cleaning the other arm once he is done he looks at you
Elliana: I'm so sorry jay im so sorry
You say starting to sob Jaden pulls you into his arms
Jaden: shhhh ell it's okay
You pull away and look at him
Elliana: no it's not jay you shouldn't have to do this
Jaden: ell I want to, I want to be here for you, I want to help you. I don't have to do any of this but I want to
He says as he loos into your eyes and wipes your tears away
Jaden: ell your my best friend I will always be there for you..... I love you ell
Your start to cry even more
Elliana: I love you too
You say through your tears he pulls you back into another hug you continue to cry on his shoulder until you can't cry no more
Jaden: come on ell let's get you to bed you need some rest he says as she helps you stand up and helps you into bed
Jaden: I'll be here when you wake up he says as she stand up and goes to leave the room
Elliana: wait jay can you stay with me for a little while
Jaden: yes of course
he says as he gets into the bed next to you as you slowly fall asleep

Jaden's PoV

Once you had fell asleep he slowly gets out of bed trying not to wake you and goes into your bedroom he scrubs the blood off the floor and sing he grabs your blade and puts it into a bag aswell as the bloody white towel he sighs as she looks into the mirror and lets out a sigh as she goes into the draws and grabs every blade she can see and puts them into the bag the then goes downstairs and goes outside and throws them into the trash once he walks back inside he finishes cleaning your bathroom once he is happy  with it he gets back into the bed next to you and waits for you to wake up

Your PoV

You slowly start to open your eyes you see Jaden asleep next to you you grab your phone and see that it's 4am you sigh as you slowly get out of bed and grab some different clothes and go into your bathroom you look around and see that Jaden has cleaned everything up you quickly get changed and grab your AirPods and decide to go on a walk you sigh as you put on your music and quietly walk downstairs and close the door behind you, you don't know where you are going yet but you just need to clear your head. You start walking and walking until you you reach a small park across town you take your phone out of your pocket and see that it is 6:30am you put your phone back into your pocket ad grab your cigarettes and light one as you watch the sun rise you continue you stay there until the sun has fully risen after a while you divide you should probably go back home so you start the 2 hour walk home once you get there you take your AirPods out and go inside once you walk through the door you are met with a worried Jaden

Jaden: ell where was you
Elliana: I just went on a walk jay
Jaden: ell I've been awake since 6 what time did you leave
Elliana: 4ish
Jaden: ell it's 10am you left 6 hours ago where the hell did you go
Elliana: I know jay I just couldn't sleep I needed to clear my head I'm sorry for worrying you
You say and you put your head down
Jaden: ell it's okay just text me next time so I know you're safe
Elliana: I will jay
Jaden: what do you want to eat
Elliana: ummm I'm not hungry
Jaden: ell you need to eat
Elliana: and I will jay I'm just not hungry right now
Jaden: please ell even if it's just a slice of toast
You nod you're head and he gives you a slight smile and makes you some toast
You sigh as thought run through your head

you can't eat that think about how many calories is that. your going to put on so much weight. your finial losing weight your going to wreck everything. you soon get pulled out of your thoughts by Jaden placing the toast down in front of you. You stare at it for awhile.
Jaden: ell please
He says with a pleading look in his eyes
You nod you head as you slowly pick up the slice of toast and bring it to your mouth and take a bite you chew it for a while and then you repeat the process untill there is none left
You instantly start to feel sick so you grab a glass of water hoping the feeling will go away but it doesn't
Elliana: I'm just gonna to go take a shower
Jaden: okay ell
You quickly stand up and rush to the bathroom you drop down to your knees and throw everything you just ate up by once you have finished you lean up against the wall for a while before you use all of your energy and stand up and turn your shower on

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