Ask her

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Once you're in the shower you start to feel tears run down your face you grab your sponge and scrub your body you then wash your hair once you have finished you stand there and let the water run down your body once you have finished crying you step out of the shower making sure you don't look in the mirror once you have dried yourself and put you clothes on you look in the mirror and see the bruises on your face fading you sigh as you look at your eyes and see how red and puffy they are you then sigh as you open the door you feel a little relieved seeing Jaden isn't there you walk over to your bed and lay down and pull the duvet over yourself laying in silence you can hear Jaden walking upstairs. You pretend to be asleep he opens your door and sighs as he sits down on you bed next to you

Jaden: ell are you awake
You don't reply and keep your eyes closed
Jaden: I'm proud of you ell..... I love you

He says as as he kisses you forehead then he leaves your room and slowly closes the door behind him you listen as he walks downstairs you feel a tear slowly slide down your face as you stare blankly at the wall for a little while as tears slowly fall down your face after a while you hear your phone go off so you pick it up and see that vinnie has messaged you


Hey, how are you?

Im good, how are you

I'm good thank you, are you busy tonight

Umm, I'm not sure why

Would you like to come to hype we all miss you

Oh hahah really

Yeah kovur said she really misses you

Tell her I will be there at 6

Okay I'll see you soon

You smile as you turn your phone off
And get out of bed you feel a little nervous are they actually missing me you think to yourself as you slowly walk down your stairs you see Jaden sitting on the sofa he turns and looks at you with a slight smile on his face

Jaden: hey
Elliana: hi vinnie texted me
His eyes light up
Jaden: he finally asked you he hasn't shut up about you for weeks
he says as he smiles
Elliana: what do you mean
His eyes go wide as he realises Vinnie hadn't asked you
Jaden: umm nothing forget I said anything what did he ask you
You narrow your eyebrows and frown slightly deciding to drop it
Elliana: he's asked me to go to hype everyone want to see me
Jaden: oh okay what time
Elliana: 6
Jaden : oh okay we will leave soon then
You nod your head
Elliana: okay I'm going to go get ready
Jaden: okay

You give him a slight smile as you walk back upstairs and go back you your room you can't stop thinking about what Jaden said what did he mean. you let out a sigh trying to forget about it as you look in your closet trying to choose something to wear you settle on some blue jeans and a cute black hoodie once you have changed you take a seat at your vanity and settle on doing some light makeup once you are happy with how you look you brush your hair and put in a high pony tail and then curl the two front pieces once you had finished you stand in front of your mirror you smile as you actually feel a little pretty once you have finished you put your shoes on and head back downstairs as Jaden is about to walk into the kitchen he stops and looks at you

Jaden: you look beautiful ell
You smile at him
Elliana: thank you jay
Jaden: are you ready to go
Elliana: yeah
He smiles at you as you leave your house and get in his car he starts 20 minute drive to hype once you get there you both get out of the car and head inside

Jaden: we're here
You hear everything get up and come over to you and Kouvr pulls you into ha hug as you are hugging her you look up and see vinnie smiling at you youyou you can't help but take in his features you soon get pulled out of your thoughts to Kouvr pulling away from the hug and grab your hand Kouvr: come on we need to have a girly night
You smile before you could answer she pulling you towards the stairs you l t out a laugh as she takes you upstairs

Jaden's PoV
He smiles as Kovur takes you upstairs he turns his attention to vinnie and they both go into the kitchen
Vinnie: I'm going to ask ell if she want to go on a date
Jaden smiles
Jaden: Finally you would be perfect together .you might actually stop talking about her all the time
Vinnie laughs
Vinnie: I don't
Jaden: yes you do
Vinnies: no I don't
Jaden: Alex
Alex: yeah
Jaden: dose vinnie never shut up about ell
Alex: nope
Jaden: see
Vinnie: okay maybe I do talk about her a lot
he says as he laughs
Jaden: when are you going to ask her
Vinnie: tonight if I can get her alone
Jaden smiles
Jaden: just leave that to me
He grabs his phone and texted kovur


We need to get vinnie and ell alone tonight Vinnie's going to ask her on a date

Omg really


Okay I've got a plan I'll bring ell back downstairs later we're just finishing an episode of watching the vampire diaries. Then we could  pretend to order food and send them to get at the restaurant just down from the Hollywood sign but send them out early and tell vinnie to take her to the Hollywood sign and ask her there

That's perfect I'll tell him

Jaden: done
Vinnie looks a little confused
Jaden: take ell to the Hollywood sign we will say we have ordered food near there but we haven't and ask we while you look over la she will love it
Vinnie smiles
Vinnie: okay

After a hour or so you and Kovur walk back down stairs

Your PoV
You all talk for a while before Jaden looks at you and vinnie
Jaden: vinnie will you go and grab the food for up please
Vinnie: yeah where is it
Jaden: it's near the Hollywood sign
Vinnie: yeah I'll leave now, ell do you want to come with me
Elliana: umm
Jaden looks at you and nods his head
Elliana: yeah I'd love to
Vinnie smiles and you both leave the house and get in his car

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