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Jaden: ell are you okay
Elliana: y-yeah
Jaden: are you sure
Elliana: yes Jaden I'm fine
You pull the phone away from your face as you hear Jaden trying to FaceTime you you you accept it but you don't put your face on camera
Jaden: ell, what's wrong, you haven't been answering your phone all day
Elliana: I'm okay jay I've umm just been asleep
Jaden: come on camera ell
You sigh as you put your face on camera you see Jaden slightly frowns as he look at your red puffy eyes
Jaden : ell what happens why have you been crying
Elliana: it's nothing jay
Jaden: tell me what's happened
Elliana: no Jaden just stop
He sighs as he looks at you
Jaden: I'm sorry ell, I just don't want you falling back into that dark place
Elliana: I won't jay I promise
He nods his head
Jaden: have you ate today
You sigh and shake your head Jaden let's put a small sigh and frowns slightly at you
Jaden: ell you need to eat
Elliana: I know jay and I will
Jaden: please make sure you eat ell I don't want you to get sick again
You feel tears start to fill you eyes again so you quickly blink them away
Elliana: I will jay I promise I'm going's to go I'll speak to you later

You end the call before he can say anything as you let the tears fall you remember you have a message from vinnies so you decide to check it

I had a really good time last night ell and you will get your $50 dollars back

You smile at the message as you let out a slight laugh as you put your phone down on the side as you stand up and get out of bed and head into your bathroom. You stand in front of your mirror and look at you eyes you see how red and puffy they are you shake your head slightly as you let out a small sigh you look down at your wrist and see the bracelet you have covering the scars. You look back up to your mirror and shake your head as you walk out of the bathroom and go back into your bedroom. You sit down in your bed and grab your phone and look at the time you see that it is nearly 11pm your not tired but you have to run a few errands in the morning so you decide to try and get some sleep. So you put your phone back on charge and try to fall a sleep it takes you a while but you finally do.

You wake up the next morning to the sound of the birds chirping outside of your window
You sigh as you pick up your phone and see a few messages from Jaden checking on you and a few from your mom and dad. You quickly type a reply to them all and then you get out of your bed and go down stairs and go into your kitchen and make a coffee then yo go back upstairs and sit down at your vanity. You look at yourself in your mirror, your eyes are still slightly red, you shoe your head slightly not wanting what happened yesterday to ruin today. As you look at yourself in the mirror you decide to do some light makeup which is concealer, lip gloss, mascara and some highlighter once you are happy with your make up you put your hair into a ponytail thank you pick out a outfit. Once you are dressed you head down stairs and grab your car keys and go and get in your car. You hook you phone up to the car then you start the 10 minute drive to target it's a nice drive there there's not many cars around so it only takes around 5 minutes to get there once you do you park your car and head inside.

Once you are inside you walk around for a while and some things that you need as you are walking down a isle you can hear Jaden talking so you walk towards him as you see him you can see that he is with vinnie and kovur you some as you see that kovur as noticed you and starts to shout your name

Kouvr: ell over here
You see Jaden's face light up as he sees you and Vinnie starts to smile as you walk closer to them
Jaden: hey ell
He says as he pulls you into a hug
Jaden: what are you doing here
Elliana: I just came to have a look around really
Jaden: oh okay do you want to come back to hype with us
Elliana: yeah sure

They all smile and you all do a little shopping before you head out to your car Jaden had decided to ride with you back to hype once you both get in the car Jaden turns and looks at you

Jaden: what happened last night ell?
You sigh
Elliana: nothing jay can we just forget about it, please
Jaden: okay but did you eat
You sigh before turning away from him
Elliana: yes jay
Jaden: your lying ell. I've known you for years I know when your lying, why didn't you eat anything
Elliana: I just couldn't okay I wasn't hungry
Jaden sighs slightly
Jaden: ell you need to eat let's go an get you something
You nod your head
Elliana: what do you want to eat
Jaden: I don't mind there's a mc Donald's just around the Corner do you want that
You nod your head as you start your car and follow the directions Jaden gives you, it only takes a few minuets to get there. Once you do you start go through the drive through

Worker: hello welcome to mc Donald's what can I get you
Elliana: hi can I get a cheese burger and a large coke please
Worker: yep
Elliana, jay what you you want
He tells you what he what's and you tell the worker
Worker: is that all
Elliana: yeah
Worker: okay come to the next window please
You drive to the next window
Worker: that will be $16 dollars please
You grab your wallet and give him the money then he hands you your food
Elliana: thank you have a great day

He gives you a smile as you drive off and you pull into the car park and eat your food your really not by very but if you don't eat Jaden would make you it take you around 10 minutes to eat your burger once you have done Jaden smiles at you you give him a small smile back and then you drive to hype

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