Chp. 1 - The Day She Arrived

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Newts Pov:
              It has been about 3 months since I have come up in the box and now there are at least 12 boys here. There is Nick, George, Ben, Alby, Minho, Winston, Frypan, Gally, Zart, Trevor, Jeff and me. We have only a few huts done but overall the place is coming together. We were all hanging out in the middle of the Glade as Alby dicided to call it when the box alarm went off and we all went silent before we made our way to the box. We waited for about another 5 minutes before we heard the box click in place. Gally and Minho lifted the doors and when we looked in there we saw the supplies. Wait where is the greenie? I look at the boys and they seem to be thinking the same thing when we hear a little sob coming from behind a barrel in the back corner. We all glance at eachother thinking its some boy who is scared but the sob sounded young which only me and Minho seemed to notice. Gally was about to jump in when I stopped him and said "Let me do it. No offense but you are quite a scary first impression and the greenie sounds scared." Gally thinks about it before shrugging and taking a step back. I jump in and the box shakes a bit when I hear a little yelp coming from the corner. "Come on newt we don't have all day" says Trevor getting a little impatient. "All right all right calm down." I reply. I made my way to the back corner and when I move the barrel a peice of wood flys by my head luckily I duck but it hits Nick in the head and he began groaning while rubbing his head. I look back at the spot and see nothing but out the corner of my eye I see little feet crawling away behind a crate. Wait why are there little feet?! I lift the crate to see a little girl what the shuck?! She is crying but trying to put on a brave face and when I look in her hands I see she found a sharp peice of wood. "It's a little girl" I say all the boys crowd around the box and I hear gasps and whispers which only makes the girl slump into the conrner even more scared. "It's alright were not going to hurt you I'm Newt" I say and hold out my hand. She then reaches into her pocket and pulls out a little note and puts it in my outstreatched hand.
                          This is Aurora and you are probably wondering why we sent up a little girl. That we can't explain but when she has been in the glade for 2 months give her this necklace, WCKED

I then feel a little hand put something in mine and look up from the note to see the little girl well Aurora put a necklace in my hand. The necklace is a gold chain with a black jem with gold designs wrapping around it. I look up and now I have a better view of her she raven black hair that has slight waves and reaches her mid back with emerald green eyes with pale yet not very pale skin. "I'm going to help you out ok" I say to her. "ok" she replies her voice a little shaky. I pick her up and climb out of the box. She is clinging on to me as I walk over to Alby and hand him the note. Everyone is looking with curious eyes as Alby reads the note out loud. "This is Aurora and you are probably wondering why we sent up a little girl. That we can't explain but when she has been in the glade for 2 months gived her this necklace, WCKED." I hand Alby the necklace and he takes it then looks at Aurora "We need to have a meeting." he says everyone nods and we all go to the center of the glade again. I look down at Aurora to realize she fell asleep. I sit down with everyone else with Aurora in my lap. "Why would they send up a little girl she looks no older than 4" Minho asks. "I don't know but I feel everyone here is thinking the same thing we need to protect her because there is something different about her" Alby replies to which all the boys nod. "What do you think the necklace is about." George says. "We will have to wait and see." replies Alby. I feel something shift in my lap and look down to see Aurora looking around with wide and curious eyes and Alby notices and comes up and crouches is front of her and says, "Welcome to the glade Aurora"

Thomas's POV:
         I arrive in the control room and look at the cameras and come to a complete stop when I see Aurora on Newts lap. I race to Dr. Paige's office and slam open the door. She jumps then looks at me in confusion "WHY THE HELL IS AURORA IN THE MAZE?!!" I shout. Dr. Paige shoots up from her desk calls Janson and we all run to the control room and see Alby crouch in front of her and say "Welcoms to the glade Aurora" Dr. Paige and Janson stared wide eyes at the screen before Janson jumps onto the center stage thing and shout "WHO PUT AURORA IN THE MAZE!" Every one stops what there doing and races over to the cameras when suddenly security walks in with a guy with a black mask on. The guy with the black mask on says "I did."

Authors Note: SORRY for the short chapter I hope you like it let me know if you want Auroras POV while inside the box thanks!

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