Third Person POV:
It's been about 2 weeks since Aurora came up in the box and every boy thinks of her as a little ball of sunshine. During the day she runs around the glade while chasing butterflys or birds. During night she sleeps in her hammock that is right next to a window so she can look at the stars. Her favorite thing to do is get piggy back rides from the boys. She is closest with Gally, Newt, Mihno, and George. There is one glader who doesn't like her though and that is Trevor no one knows why though and when they asked him he just said that she was annoying and didn't belong here which Aurora heard and ran into the woods crying. It took them 2 hours to find her and ever since she avoided Trevor thinking he is a bully.Trevors POV:
Ugh! that kid is so annoying she runs around the glade all day skipping around and having fun while we are working our butts off. Honestly if I find a way to get rid of her I would she is distracting us and we need to find a way out and fast. I even made the pesky child cry once and she ran away I hoped they wouldn't find her but yet again there isn't a lot of places she could of gone to.It was early in the morning when I heard giggling and I look outside to see Mihno and Aurora playing a game she called patty cake. "MIHNO CAN YOU SHUT THAT CHILD UP SHE IS SO ANNOYING" I shout at Mihno. I hear silence then little footsteps running away and I go outside to see what was going on and see Mihno looking around and when he looks at me he glares and I realize the child ran off. Mihno shoves past me and gets the boys to split up and look for her. I roll my eyes and look at them and say "Why do you care so much she doesn't shut up, she does no work, and is always distracting us so I say good ridance."
Mihno's POV:
I woke up and look outside to see Aurora playing in a bed of flowers I sotly smile and go up to her. "Hey Aurora" I say. She turns and sees me and smiles brightly and says "Hi Min Min." I chuckle softly at the nickname and look in her hands to see she made a loop of flowers. "what are you making" I ask. She looks at her hands to me and back at her hands. Then she puts a flower crown on my head and claps her hands while giggling. "I'm making one for everyone and you are the first." she says. I chuckle softly and ask if she wants to play patty cake to whick she eagerly nods her head. We start playing for a bit and she is laughing as I keep messing up when suddenly Trevors yells. "MIHNO CAN YOU SHUT THAT CHILD UP SHE IS SO ANNOYING". I look to where the voice was and turn when I hear a slight sniffle and running footsteps. I look back and Aurora is gone. I look around every where for her but she is no where in sight. I see trevor glare at him and go inside the homestead to tell the boys Aurora ran off somewhere. As we are telling who will look where Trevore speaks up. "Why do you care so much she doesn't shut up, she does no work, and is always distracting us so I say good ridance." We all stop talking and glare at him when suddenly George speaks up. "FIRST UP DON'T TELL HER TO SHUT UP, SHE DOESN'T WORK BECAUSE SHE IS A FOUR YEAR OLD AND SHE ONLY GETS OUR MIND OFF OH I DON'T KNOW THE FACT THAT WE ARE TRAPPED HERE, SO NO IF WE DO NOT FIND HER IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T HANDLE THAT YOUR NOT GETTING AS MUCH ATTENTION BECAUSE YOUR NO LONGER THE GREENIE SO HOW ABOUT YOU SLIM IT!" Everyone stands there shocked as George normally doesn't get angry at anyone. That's when we hear a scream, and we all race outside to see Aurora running back with cuts on her hands. Gally quickly picks her up and brings her to the med jack hut with Jeff and Alby close behind as the rest of us just glare at Trevor.Aurora's POV: (After she runs away from Mihno)
I run off and go to the woods crying. Why does Trevor have to be so mean, did I do something. As I sit down my back to a tree trying to calm down I hear a buzzing sound and look at the tree across from me to see a bug thing. I never saw one before and my curiosity gets the better of me as I walk up to it. Just as I'm about to touch it blades shoot out and it cuts my hands. I scream and run back to the homestead where I see everyone. Gally sees my hands and quickly picks me and and rushes me over to the the meddy hut is. He sits me on a bed and Jeff comes in with bandages and Alby close behind him.Gally's POV:
As Jeff is putting on the bandages I can tell Aurora is in a lot of pain so I pick her up and put her on my lap. Jeff finishes shortly after and Aurora cries into my chest. "what happened" I ask softly. "Th-the-re w-was a-a b-bug an-and wh-when I we-wen-t to to-touch i-it sh-sha-arp po-inty things ca-came ou-t an-and cu-cut m-me" She says through sobs and coughing. I hug her tighter and I look up to see Alby and Jeff with concerned looks on their faces. "Let's go back to the homestead where everyone else is ok?" I ask Aurora softly. She only nods knowing it's hard to talk. I pick her up and we all walk back to see Winston, Frypan, and Ben all yelling at Trevor, Mihno is trying to hold back Nick who looks as if he could kill Trevor right now, Newt is pacing, and everyone else is either pacing like newt or sitting with their legs bouncing trying to calm their nerves. When they see us George quickly comes over and takes Aurora from my arms and nods towards my shirt, I look down to see it has some of Aurora's blood on it. I nod in thanks and quickly go change.George's POV:
After Gally, Jeff, and Alby walk away thats when Winston, Frypan, and Ben all start shouting at Trevor saying it's his fault when suddenlt Nick tries to lunge at Trevor but Mihno holds him back. I start to pace back and forth without realizing when I hear sobbing mixed with coughing along with footsteps. Everyone stops to see Gally carrying a shaking Aurora. I notice there is blood on his shirt so I quickly take Aurora from his arms ans nod towards his shirt he notices and nods in thanks before going inside to change. Once he comes back I'm still holding Aurora who is still shaking and crying when Alby speaks up with worried glances at Aurora. "Now Aurora claims to have seen a bug in the woods and when she went to touch it blades came out and cut her hands now I want Mihno and Gally to take some wood and go into the woods and if you see a bug you have never seen before go up to it while pointing the wood at it to see what happens." They both nod before setting off. Thats when Alby turns slowly to Trevore while glaring "Now you are not going to talk about her like that again or there will be consequences you understand." Alby states to which Trevor scoffs and says "I was only stating the facts." That's when Aurora looks at him and asks "W-why do y-yo-you h-hate m-me so m-mu-much?" Everyone looks at her in shocks except Trevor who glares and kneels down infront of her and says "Because you are a stupid child who only makes everything worse for everyone and someday I'm going to kill you." That's when Nick lunges at him and starts to beat him up while Newt is trying to pull him off which is not working, so I get up hand Aurora to Frypan who gladly takes her and help pull Newt pull Nick off Trevor.Authors Note-
Heyy everyone hoped you like it. Also sorry for all of the POV changes through out the book an fair warning I will be doing that a lot so just a little heads up

She Was Their Cure - A Maze Runner Fanfiction
Fanfiction"why would they send up a little girl she looks no older than 4" Minho asks. "I don't know but I feel everyone here is thinking the same thing we need to protect her because there is something different about her" Alby replies to which all the boys...