Third Persons POV, The Glade:
Gally walks up to Thomas and says "What the shuck is Ben talking about?" and by the tone of Gallys voice he was already pissed off. "I don't know I really don't know." Thomas replies. "We have to banish Ben tonight so everyone make sure you are ready for that." Alby says, but Newt could see that his eyes were far away from what was going on. Everyone hesitantly leaves to go back to their jobs. Thomas stands there for a bit thinking. How could this be my fault. Is it my fault that Aurora is gone. So many questions but he eventually just goes back to the garden where everyone is working quietly. Five minutes in Thomas remebered the flower crown so he walks up to Newt. "Newt when I was in the deadends I um I found a flower crown it looked dead but I was just wondering if you knew anything about it." Thomase says. Newt stops what he is doing and looks at Thomas with wide eyes. "W-what? Wh-where? How?" Newt spluttered out. This caught the attention of Zart who walks over. "Hey Newt what is it?" Zart aks. "Thomas found a dead flower crown in the woods." Newt replies. Zarts eyes widen and his mouth opens a bit. "Wha- what? You mean.-" Zart spluttered out similar to the way Newt did. Thomas is now very confused. "Can you explain why you two are acting weirdly?" Thomas questions. Newt looks at Thomas and says "Their was only one person who ever existed in the Glade who made flower crowns and that was Aurora. But it doesn't make sense the flower crown shouldn't even be holding after almost 2 years." Zart nods his head and whispers to Newt that he was gonna tell Alby and Mihno. Newt nods and Zart runs off.Zart dashes to where Mihno is. "Mihno this may sound crazy and possibly impossible but Thomas found a dead flower crown in the woods." Zart says out of breath. Mihno freezes. "What did you tell Alby?" Mihno questions. "Not yet I just saw you first." Mihno nodded and him and Zart darted off and told Alby who was just as shocked as everyone else. And they meet up with Thomas and Newt who are at the edge of the woods. "Can you show us where you found the flower crown Thomas?" Alby questioned and Thomas nodded his head saying "Follow me."
After walking for a bit they reach the deadends and Thomas sees the flower crown and walks up to it and picks it up and shows the guys who are in the same state of shock as when they were when they heard about it. Newt notices a peice of paper on the flower crown and walks up to Thomas and unfolds it. He reads it and his eyes widen and he start looking between the note and the crown. "Newt what does it say?" Mihno asks. Newt clears his throat before reading. "Dear people who find this, I am writing this from a place I don't know and this may not even make it to you but I hope it does. Anyway when the flower crown turns to ash that means I'm dead but if not that means that I am very much alive. When you find out about the note the flower crown will become alive again seeing as you found it. Use it well love you Newtie, Min Min, Alby, Gally, Georgey, Win Win, Fry, Ben, Jeff and Nick. By the way I wear the necklace and it turns out that it helps my powers grow. Lots of love-" Newt pauses taking a deep breath. "Aurora." The boys all look as if there dog just died and then Mihno looked at the crown to see that it is starting to become alive again. He starts to smile "Guys guys guys look at the crown." Mihno says eagerly. They all look at the crown in Thomas's hands to see that it is starting to come back to life and the purple flowers start to bloom while the vines and leaves turn green. They all start to chear. "We have to tell everyone right now." Zart says excitedly. They all run out to chearing and celebrating which caught the other boys attention as they make their way over to see what is going on. The gladers all start to question them when Alby says "Tomorrow we will tell you tomorrow now get back to work." The boys all groan but go back to work either way. "We can't tell them." Alby says. Mihno, Zart, Newt and Thomas all look at him confused. "Why not?" Newt questions. Alby sighs and says "Because we don't want to bring them false hope also we may not even ever see her again." The boys think about it then nod their heads
A few hours later everyone is gathered around the doors while some boys hold poles. Mihno suddenly drags Ben to the center and throws his belongings into the maze before going into the group and Newt hands him a pole. Thomas is confused when the doors start to close and they start to push Ben into the maze. Thomas tries to make them stop but to no use as the doors finally close and Ben gets locked in the maze. Everyone is silent before Alby says "He may have been your friend he was my friend but that was not Ben got it?" To which everyone nods and heads in for the night.

She Was Their Cure - A Maze Runner Fanfiction
Fanfiction"why would they send up a little girl she looks no older than 4" Minho asks. "I don't know but I feel everyone here is thinking the same thing we need to protect her because there is something different about her" Alby replies to which all the boys...