Dr. Paiges POV:
It's been 2 weeks since that mystery man put little Aurora in the maze and I can tell that the work space has not been as light and cheery as it use to be and I know why. Of course Aurora had no idea of the maze and what we are doing and we planned on telling her when she was older, but when she gets out she is going to be very mad. We have noticed how close she has bonded with the boys except one Trevor basically no one at the moment likes Trevor especailly after making Aurora cry. We are planning on opening the doors to the maze soon along with the greivers, but we don't want Aurora to get hurt in the process. Today me, Janson, Thomas, and Teresa were watching Mihno and Aurora playing patty cake when Trevor yelled at Mihno to shut Aurora up. We watched as she ran into the woods crying and sat against the tree. That's when we noticed she saw a beetle blade. We got a bit nervous as we watched her get closer and closer when the beetle blade attacked her she screamed and ran. Her scream caught the attension of most of the workers who walked over to see Gally carrying her away.They patched her up and now she is with George when she asks Trevor why he hates her to which he replied with the fact that she was stupid and one day he was going to kill her. I looked to my left to see a nervous Teresa and a angry Thomas I then look to my right to see a fuming Janson along with the rest of the workers. We watched as Nick lunged at Trevor and started to beat him up. It took 2 guys to pull him off of Trevor. Eventually everyone got back to work when the doctors came in saying it was time to get the next subject ready and to start to load the box.
I was about to go down the hall when I heard a noise coming from where we load the box and we were not suppose to load it for another 30 minutes. I stayed there for a moment to see who will walk out and after a minute Janson walks out and leaves to get back to work. I get curious and go to see what he was doing in there and when I get in there I see a little pink box with the words Aurora on it. I open the box and there is her favorite blanket, a pillow, Mr. Bear, and some clothes. I softly smile when I hear the door open and turn around to see Janson holding a hot pink hair brush with the disney princess Aurora on it. He freezes when he sees me and the open box. "You are not in trouble Janson and I will keep the secret, I mean we can't let people know that the head of security has a soft spot for a little girl." I say with a small smile. Janson nods and puts the brush in the box and closes the lid. "It feels weird without her skipping around telling everyone about her day." Janson said with a sigh. "I know, but hopefully some day you will see her again." I reply to which he gets a ghost of a smile before nodding at me and leaving the room.
As I'm walking down the hall I hear a faint cry and look down the hall to see Teresa crying, I carefully go up to her and put a hand on her shoulder she looks at me before hugging me. "I was suppose to keep her from the maze at all cost and now she is in the maze. I failed her, I failed being her sister." Teresa cries. "It wasn't your fault, you can have the day off to set your mind to ease." I reply, she nods her head before thanking me and walking to her room. I softly sigh, Aurora would always make someone feel better, it was like she was in her own way their cure.

She Was Their Cure - A Maze Runner Fanfiction
Fanfic"why would they send up a little girl she looks no older than 4" Minho asks. "I don't know but I feel everyone here is thinking the same thing we need to protect her because there is something different about her" Alby replies to which all the boys...