24; What now?

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John already sitting lacy placed two cups out on the table that loomed in front of her. Poring John coffee, with one cream. Just the way her liked it. And being that it was 5'o clock somewhere well, lacy poured her self a glass of champagne. Of course it was half full.
Change of view > lacy
"Well John, it's been a long few hours has it? I find you ruining my shower and not to mention bribing the girl at the front desk just to get the floor of which I was on. Why?! All of this for what?" I half yelled looking at him and not breaking eye contact once as I held my breath and more then likely had a crazy look on my face.  He twitched at this question. He looked at my champagne, I just rolled my eyes. "It's not like you cared before, so why put on a show. At least if your going to pretend don't make it so.... transparent" I managed
"Lacy please I've always cared about you, how is it that you can take the side of the tabloid over me? When I have I ever lied to you?" He reasoned "well John the truth is, I really don't know a lot about you, so anything that came out of your mouth could have been a lie quite frankly. But now I have reason to believe" I said as I gestured to the open magazine. "Damn it Lacy that's not fair! I haven't lied to you not once." John shouted, his fist connecting with the dinner table while holding back tears through gritted teeth.  "Look Lacy I'm sorry, i don't know how many times I can say that but I am. Amber and I yes a while ago we dated for a few months then I broke things off met your mother and later on you. I'm not here to get you to forgive me. Only you can do that. But I am asking for a second chance. And this time make it official as we should have all that long ago, I didn't want you to hate me for the press and after the beach incident I needed to keep you safe and if safe was out of the public eye then so be it" John stood up and walked to the window peering from behind the curtain and sighed. "I want to do this with you, and show you off we have a lot to work on but together who says we can't. What do you say Lacy? Give me a second chance and we will walk out together and I will announce to them (gestures to the paparazzis) that you and I are dating, show the world my love for you what do you say?"     It was difficult to make a decision I was so mad at him. Yet I loved him so much? I didn't know something like this was possible. Yet here he is, in my hotel room he tracked me down no more like chased me down paid to find me and now he's giving me everything I wanted. This would have been perfect a week ago maybe even a day ago but now? The timing isn't ideal. But I guess thats the least of my problems.
With that thought Lacy walked up to John clutched his arm and whispered in his ear, then jumped in the shower.

Can Lacy get over herself and find it in her heart to love John even though the flame might not burn quite as bright as it did before? Stay tuned

>JOHN CENA •Legible with envyWhere stories live. Discover now