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Hinata was bored. Extremely bored. He had nothing to do.

Mocha was still at the dorms with Akaashi (he didn't trust Tsukishima), and he couldn't go outside. He turned over to his side, staring at the blank wall of his oh-so-boring room. He turned back over, reaching for his phone. He opened his contacts app and looked through all the different numbers he has saved. So many of them blocked, deleted, or even some he just absolutely ghosted, with good reason. He took a look at his recents.

Just as he was about to click on Izumi's contact, one caught his eye. '🌸Natsu🌸,' Hinata's eyes softened. He hasn't talked to her in a good two? three years? ever since she moved away. Makes him a bit guilty.

He ever so slowly pressed on the contact, listening to the ringing. Immediately, someone picks up, "Shouyou?" He could here the hopefulness in her voice, it was almost painful. "Hey firecracker," the ginger responde. Although Hinata couldn't tell, he could feel Natsu's warm smile through the screen at the use of her childhood nickname. "It's been so long! I've missed you lots."

Shouyou chuckled, "It has. Do you think I could talk to you for a few hours? If your not too busy."

"Not at all! I just got out of school actually."


And talked they did. About everything really, trying to catch the other up on everything that's happened recently. Natsu got accepted into a prestigious all girl school who's best known for their gymnastics. Although, she was aiming more towards sports. More specifically, volleyball. Hinata was proud of her, very proud actually. It was pleasing to him to see the mostly quiet and shy girl that was his sister turn into a fine and strong women. And he enthralled her about his acceptance into one of Japan's best schools, and his various "encounters". Natsu laughed at how her brother described them. She knew he was probably exaggerating, but that's just how he is when it came to things he doesn't like. And he doesn't like many things.

"Well it sounds like your life is turning into quite the adventure!"

"I'd rather it not.." Hinata sighed. He heard Natsu giggled from the other side, it felt nice to hear her laugh again, to hear her voice, to hear her. He missed her. He missed her a lot. "You know what?"


"As soon as I can, I'm visiting you."

He could practically see the happy gleam in her eyes, "Oh will you! Some of the other girls here are a bit too stuck up for my liking." Shouyou laughed, for the first time in a while actually.

"Of course, I even bring a gift."

"You the best Nii-san!" There was some sudden background noise and another voice sound like they were calling for Natsu, "I need to go. Bye-bye Nii-san."

"Bye-bye Natsu." And then she hung up.

Hinata put his phone down, a smile plastered on what seemed to be his permanent frowning face.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now