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"Bokuto, where are you dragging us?" Hinata asked as the silver-haired male quite literally dragged him by the wrist.

"We're gonna volunteer to help with the Spring Dance preparations!" He responded excitedly.

"We are?" Atsumu and Kageyama synced.

"Yep." Akaashi said tiredly. It was just Hinata, Bokuto, Atsumu, Akaashi, and Kageyama since Osamu and Tsukishima were helping with music, Kuroo was helping with food, and they have no idea what Kenma's doing. Or where he is for that matter.

They made their way to the cafeteria, where the sign up booth was. There were a few people, three or four at most.

The girls at the booth were exceptionaly nice, as most of the girls of this school were. "Hello! Are you here to sign up?" The first girls voice was bubbly and silky, smile sweet and wide. Though it had this sort of...force..to it. Like she didn't want to be here. Bokuto nodded, listing off their names. The second girl gave them a thank you, saying how not many people have come there today and they would appreciate the help.

They left a few minutes later, Bokuto talking their ears off. Hinata yawned. Just a few more classes to go then he can crash and burn for the day.


Tell Hinata why he's being dragged again. By Bokuto again, no less. Also, he was tired. He hasn't had his coffee which means he's gonna start stabbing shit soon. "Bokuto," he was giving off a warning, "where are taking me? And why is so important that you had to snatch me away from my breakfast? You could've at least let me have my coffee."

"Spring Dance preparations!"

"And where are the others?"

"They're already there."

'So early in the morning?' Hinata thought. They entered the gym, multiple people there already. Kuroo called them over.

"Hey Kurobro!" Bokuto said, still dragging Hinata.

"Hey, do you think you could bring those boxes over there, here?" He said, pointing to a small mountain of boxes in the corner. Bokuto saluted Kuroo, running towards the boxes (still dragging Hinata but the boy was much to tired to say anything against it).

He finally let the smaller go, turning towards him. "You take a few as well."

Hinata looked at Bokuto then the boxes, the at Bokuto, "Do I have to?"

And before he knew it, he was carrying two boxes full of streamers and balloons towards Kuroo. He set the box down, stretching his back. He looked around, just realizing how big the gym really is. "We're gonna need a lot of decorations...and people.." Hinata whispered to himself.

"Yeah, we do." Hinata flinched back at the sudden voice near his ear. It was soft and quiet.

He directed his attention behind him, a girl, a little shorter than him, she had golden blonde hair and golden-brown eyes, kinda similar to his hazel-brown eyes. Her hair was short, a ponytail to her side.

Behind was a taller girl. She had dark raven hair that went past her shoulders. She had was looked like a small beauty mark on the bottom left corner of her mouth. Her eyes were a beautiful sky blue. She kinda looked like a female Akaashi but with lighter skin tones.

The smaller girl smiled, "Hi! I'm Yachi Hitoka and this is my..uh...friend! Kiyoko Shimizu!" She said.

"Yachi, you can say we're together ya'know. It's his problem if he has a problem with us." Kiyoko said, leaning over the girl's shoulder really, close to her ear. Yachi flinched back.

"Uh..okay..." Hinata said.

Kiyoko glared, "What? Do you have a problem with us?"

Hinata shook his, "No not at all." Ignoring the fact that he's pretty sure his grandmother told him before that she's slept with dozens of woman without his grandfather finding out, to which he just responded with, "Then why are still with Ojii-san??" and she just responded back with a smile and said, "So one day, I can tell him, and see the shock and pain on his stupid face. Then, divorce him." and he hasn't forgotten that day since. He still wonders when that day will be. His grandmother is only 63 so she's got a lot of time ahead of her.

Kiyoko then smiled, pulling Yachi close to her, "Good."

"Hinata!" Oikawa, who was actually the head of the decoration community, which wasn't very surprising, called, "Come here for a second."

Hinata made his way towards the brunette. A female, or what looks like a female, she had coal black hair with platinum blonde highlights, eyes a sparkling midnight purple. "This is Hanako Junko, she-"

"They." She- they corrected.

A hand flew to Oikawa's neck, "Right, sorry. They're a friend of mine who's here to help. Would you mind assisting them in blowing up the balloons?" Hinata looked back, at the..person? Sure, let's go with that, then looked back at Oikawa.

"Sure..I guess." He doesn't really like people but they seem okay.

Junko walked towards the smaller, reaching out a hand. "Hanako Junko! Nice to meet you."

Hinata did not take that hand, "Hinata Shouyou, terrible to meet you." he said with a smile. Not a happy one. They blinked, "Oookaaaay....?"

Hinata sighed, just how many people will he need to talk to today? And he still hasn't had his coffee.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now