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"No! Let go of me!" he cried.

"Stop it! Stop! I don't want this!"

"Leave me alone–!" smack.

"Shut the hell up!"

Hinata gasped, his alarm clock echoing in his head. A hand flew to his head, only now realizing how sweaty he is. He was panting. Hard too. He glanced at the clock. '2:43'. An exasperated sigh left his mouth.

"He's not here anymore. He's no where hear you," he told himself, the ringing in his ears only getting louder, "You're okay. You're okay." he chanted.

A small meow caught his attention. A familiar hazel and white body jumped on him, booping his nose. Hinata blinked, noticing the ringing had stopped. "Mocha?" The cat yawned, "Why are you up?" She gave him a look. He snorted. "Don't worry, I'm fine. If that's what you're worried about. Just had a bad dream.."

Mocha curled herself next to the copper-top, purring lovingly into his thigh. Hinata sighed, starting to pet her. "Thanks."


"Jesus, you look horrible." Tsukishima sneered at Hinata as they walked to homeroom. He wasn't wrong. Heavy eyebags resting comfortably under the boy's eyes. His hair was more a mess than usual, and his blazer wasn't properly on right, it wasn't buttoned up all the way, the tie was sort of...tied? And his posture was worse than normal. "I know," Hinata tiredly hissed, "Thanks captain obvious."

Tsukishima snickered. Their usual banter went back and forth with eachother, as usual, even though it seems like Hinata would rather be sleeping. They reached the classroom, being the first students there, and Lisa almost fell.of her chair at the sight of the ginger. "Good god, you look terrible." Hinata sighed once more, going to his desk.

Which was conveniently next to Tsukishima's. Awesome. Thanks universe. Hate you.

"Hinata-kun," Lisa tried. And when he didn't call her out on it, she continued, "If your tired, you can sleep if you want."


"It's fine. And I don't think it'll affect your grade much."

Hinata was hesitant, but eventually laid his head down on his arms. Everything slowly going black.

Tears streamed down his eyes. The man look down upon him, scowling in disgust. "How can you be my son when you can't even take a punch?!" His mother watched judgemently from the back porch, holding his one-year-old sister.

"Get up." He stayed hunched back, coughing.

"Get. up." his father growled. When his son didn't, he scoffed, "Weak. Absolutely useless." he spat. His mother sighed, going back inside. Once his son had stopped puking, he finally got up, standing with his fists raised and knees bent. His father cold, unforgiving brown eyes scanned over him. He hmphed, almost amusingly, "Your posture is alot better," he said under his breath. His son smiled at hearing that. It was once of the first compliments his father had ever given him!

"What the hell are you smiling about?!" And before he knew it, he had several new bruises, a bloody nose, and was in the bathroom, puking his guts out. His father swing the bathroom door open. "That's what happens when you focus on unnecessary things."

"Gomem." his son breathed.

The father's eyes narrowed, "Don't be sorry. Be better."

The boy nodded, putting his head down in shame.

His father scoffed once more, "Come down for dinner in 10 minutes. No more, no less. Got it?"

His son nodded once again, although barely noticable.

"Weakling." his father said before closing the door and leaving.

Tears ran down the boy's eyes. "Gomen." he whispered to no one in particular, "Gomen."

Hinata gasped, head shooting up like a rocket on the forth of July. He was panting again. He looked around him. He was still in his classroom. His homeroom classroom, that is.

He could see Lisa sitting at her desk, reading over something. He gulped, and stared back down at his desk.

And after what seems like forever, Lisa finally sees him. "Oh! Hinata-kun." She fumbled through her bag, taking out a bento box. She walked over to Hinata and gave it to him. He looked over at her, confused. "My husband made too much for me, and lunch has already passed."

Hinata jumped up, clearly distressed, "Then–!"

Lisa silenced him, "I told Shiroma. Your absence was excused."


She pushed the bento towards him, "You need to eat Hinata-kun." He sat back down. He stared at the box, skeptical. Lisa handed him a pair of chopsticks. He took them, slowly opening the box.

It was still warm. Still suspicious, he poked it. Lisa just waited patiently.

Finally, he grabbed a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. It was pure bliss. And although Hinata didn't show it in his face, his actions were enough. "Do you like it?" asked Lisa. Hinata side-eyed her and nodded.

"I'm glad." she smiled at him as she went back to reading.

The silence exchanged between them was quite nice.

Then Hinata realized he left Bokuto with that girl.

'Eh, I'm sure he'll be fine.'

He was not fine. Hinata could tell. Because the next day, Bokuto had looked like a man who had lost everything, especially his dignity.

He was also whining to Hinata to never leave him alone with that girl again so...yeah.

He still hates the universe. So not much has changed.

"You need to eat Hinata-kun."

Well...maybe something's changed.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now