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(This took an ungodly amount of time to write 💀.

I was in the middle of writing this chapter but Wattpad was being a bitch and decided to keep the parts in the wrong order so I had to rewrite the entire thing.

You will see my level of expertise [and sanity] decrease as you read on because I got so goddamn tired and just wanted to get it over with.

So if there are any grammer or spelling mistakes, please forgive me.

Also, I don't remember who, but someone said this song describes my Hinata well and after listening to it a few times, I agree. So thank you random person.)

Hinata yawned. He pushed himself away from his desk, stretching his stiff arms. A meow caught his attention. He glanced downward, Mocha reaching a paw out his him. He picked her up, laying her in his lap.

He combed his fingers through her fluffiness, drawing a satisfied purr. He sighed, "These last few days have been weird, huh?"

"Murrooow." She meowed, rolling on her back. Hinata chuckled. "I guess not for you. You've just known the kitchen and my bedroom." He spun around in his chair. "I wish I was a cat. Then I wouldn't have to deal with everything that has occurred in my life." Mocha just purred into his thigh.

"Thanks." He took a glance at his clock. "Guess I should get ready."

He made his way towards his walk-in closet, talking out a particular suit. It was a white button-up with a black vest, black jeans, and black oxfords. "Hm, atleast the idiot has some taste," he whispered to himself. He came out of the closet moments later, making a b-line to the mirror. He wasn't one to care about his appearance much, but he looked good in the suit. It was his scar that ruined everything. His face looked so ugly. Maybe the vice-principal was right, he should probably hide it with some concealer-

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. "Yeah?"

"It's time. Bokuto's standing outside." Tsukishima's voice said through the door. With one last glance at the mirror, he said goodbye to Mocha and left for what would be
"The greatest night of his life"-as said by Bokuto.

He passed Tsukishima on his way out, "I wonder why Bokuto even asked you. Or why you accepted."

Hinata rolled his eyes, 'I don't know myself.' he thought. Why did Bokuto ask him? He's not anything special. And for a moment, Hinata wanted to back out. Then Tsukishima's annoying voice came to him, "What the hell are you waiting for? Shoo, shoo," he ushered.

"Alright, alright." Hinata huffed, opening the door. Bokuto was standing there, in a white tuxedo. He held his arm out, "Ready to go?" Hinata took it, "Yep."


The dance was about as lively as you'd expect from a bunch of college students. No one was really dancing, some were swaying to the music, though most were here for the food and drinks. Looking around the room, Hinata was able to spot a few familiar but unwelcomed faces. Doing his best to ignore them, Hinata tried to focus on Bokuto, who has lead them to the obviously spiked fruit punch.

But decided not to focus on that.

Focus on Bokuto. Not the punch, or unwelcomed faces.

Focus on Bokuto. And whatever he was talking about. Not the eyes that were clearly on him.

Focus on Bokuto and his breathing. His breathing. In and out. In and out. A hand gripped his shoulder. Finally, Bokuto's words started to register, "-nata? Are you okay? Hinata?" His eyes snapped towards the taller.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now