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(I think this is my longest chapter yet.)

Eito yelped as a pencil was thrown towards him, just barely missing his head. He could feel hateful from the doorway, seeing that all too familiar ginger hair. "Shouyou-kun!" He exclaimed, making his towards the orangette. Hinata grabbed him by his tie, pulling him down to his level.

The redette gulped at the intensity of the shorter's stare. "You have 20 seconds to explain why the fuck your here." Hinata growled.

"I was given a scholarship?"

"We both know your not smart enough for that."

"My parents-"

"Your parents aren't that rich. I should know."

Eito pouted. He sighed, leaning closely to the ginger's ear. Hinata let go of his tie, satisfied with the answer. "That makes a lot more sense. You were always a scammer."

"What makes you say that?"

"You scammed me out of my love for one thing..." Hinata mumbled, but Eito heard it anyway. He cringed, words going straight threw his heart like daggers.

"Come on Kizumi, class is going to start soon." The blonde (who ultimately thought she has been forgotten) nodded, following the ginger out the door. Eito stared at it for the longest time, until the teacher came in and the bell rung of course.


Of course Hinata was jumped at lunch. Of course he was. Because that's just his life, this is what he has to live with. "You have an ex?!" Bokuto yelled, shaking the smaller. If he keeps this up he gonna puke everywhere. "Y-Ye-e-e-ss."

Thank god for Akaashi, "Bokuto-san, stop shaking him. He looks sick."


"It's not fine, but whatever." Was his face a little green?

"But you never told us you have an ex!"

"It wasn't really something you needed to know, but go off I guess. HUURG!" he was definitely about to throw up.

"We should probably get him to a bathroom before you ask anymore questions."


So after puking his brains out and not answering any of Bokuto's questions, he realized that m a y b e, just maybe, he misses Eito more than he should.

He's not inlove with him or anything. Of course not. Not after what he did. So what if he misses how the guy smells or how he used to comfort Hinata with he was having one of his breakdowns. If he's being honest, Eito was the best boyfriend he ever had, and one of the nicer ones after they broke up. He was his first ever boyfriend, and the longest kept for that matter, the relationship lasting two years.

So yes, there's a possibility that Hinata misses they way Eito would smile after he complimented him. And n o he is not inlove with him. At least he doesn't think-no, he knows he not inlove. Just confused? Maybe? Confused about what though?

"Hinata-sama, your starting to scare me." The ginger nearly jumped out of his sit. His sensei, Ms.Woodwair, was sitting next to him. That's right, he was having lunch with his teacher. He didn't want the possibility of Eito seeing him more than he already has. "G-gomen Woodwair-sensei."

"It's fine, also you can call me Lisa." Hinata's head snapped up. "E-eh?"

"You don't have to, just a suggestion." Woodwair's face stayed indifferent as she kept eating. "H-hai..."

"Has something been bothering you?"

Hinata gulped, "What makes you say that?"

"You weren't paying that much attention to the lesson today, and your brows kept furrowing as if you were frustrated by something. Also, you haven't eaten much." said she, pointing to his almost full lunch box. Hinata sweatdropped.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now