ONE- It's Not a Trick

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It wasn't totally Anita's fault. The Scotland Yard was having a slow day, so Anita was able to leave early. She had decided to walk to John and Sherlock's apartment rather than get a cab. Anita had accidentally taken a wrong turn and arrived in front of the National Antiques Museum. Just in time to see one of the showings. It was an ancient Chinese clay tea set arranged on a tray. A young Chinese woman, Soo Lin Yao, was taking a large pinch of tea leaves from a bowl and sprinkling them onto one of the clay teapots before pouring water on top. A group of children, clearly on a school trip, and a few adults were watching her. Anita was one of the adults, and she was absolutely mesmerized by the art.

"The great artisans say the more the teapot is used, the more beautiful it becomes," Soo Lin explained as she overfilled the teapot and placed the lid on top, then gently pressed it down into place. Water began to spill out over the sides of the pot. Then she picked up a small jug and poured more liquid over the top of it.

"The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. The deposit left on the surface creates this beautiful patina over time," she continued as she held the wet teapot up, showing Anita and everyone else how it was shining. Then Anita's phone went off. She was quick to excuse herself and walk away from the group.

Come to Baker Street



Anita had started to text back but was interrupted by yet another text alert.

Need help.


Anita rolled her eyes but her smile showed that she wasn't really that bothered. Though, Anita had great plans to chew him out for taking her away from the beautiful museum.

Heading that way.

This better be worth it.


Anita finally subdued and hailed a cab. She gave the address to the cabbie once she got in and she started driving in that direction. The cabbie was a nice lady who had started to chatter with Anita about random things. After a while they finally got there. Anita had decided to pay extra because of the lovely conversation they had. Then she walked into 221 Baker Street. Anita jogged up the stairs and opened the door to Sherlock and John's flat.

"Alright Sherlock, I'm here. What did you nee-" Anita had started to say but quickly stopped when she saw the heavily robed man, whose face and head were completely covered by scarves, laying on the floor. Anita looked around for Sherlock, finding him standing in the kitchen doorway.

"What the bloody hell is going on, Sherlock?" Anita asked, glancing down at the man briefly before returning her gaze to Sherlock.

"I need your help getting rid of this man before John gets here," he explained. Anita opened her mouth to argue but shut it again. She let out a huff and rubbed her eyes before nodding her head. Then she looked up and pointed a finger at Sherlock.

"Fine, but you have to explain while we work." Sherlock smirked at this before the duo set to work on moving the unconscious man out of the flat. Sherlock had explained what he was doing and why he had to get rid of the man.

After the two finished the task, Sherlock had sat down in his seat and started reading while Anita had taken to the kitchen to make herself and Sherlock some tea. Anita heard John's footsteps climbing up the stairs and grabbed a third mug, knowing he would want some tea as well. Then John walked into the flat. Anita had just set a mug down near Sherlock, but turned to smile at John.

"You took your time," Sherlock stated, not looking up from his book, but he had a glance at the tea Anita just sat next to him.

"Yeah, I didn't get the shopping. Hello Anita," John explained, returning the smile Anita had sent to him. Anita then retreated back to the kitchen only to return with tea for John, which she sat on his side table.

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