SEVEN- Tying Up Loose Ends

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Ow, ow, ow, ow.... God, that hurts. Anita thought as she began to regain consciousness. Anita tried to tug at her arms, but they were tied around a chair, which meant she was tied to the chair as well. Anita was still in a lot of pain and could feel the cuts on her face. She winced but looked around the room. To her left, John and Sarah were tied up as well. Sarah had a gag in her mouth, while John was bleeding from his temple. He had clearly just woken up as well.

"John, Sarah, are you alrigh-" Anita tried to ask, but she was interrupted by a woman's voice.

"A book is like a malice garden carried in your pocket. Chinese proverb, Mr. Holmes," she said and Anita looked around the room more in depth. She was scared that Sherlock had been hurt and captured too. But she didn't see him anywhere. She furrowed her brows, but then the woman walked over to John. She thought John was Sherlock, but why?

"I-I'm not Sherlock Holmes," John responded, looking at the woman startled. She smiled at him, humorlessly.

"Forgive me if I do not take your word for it," Then she reached down and pulled open his jacket, rummaging through the inside pockets. She found his wallet, opened it, and took something out.

"A check for five thousand pounds made out to Mr. Sherlock Holmes," she said, and Anita gulped. Sure, it looked bad but that's one piece of evidence. Even Anita had checks in her wallet that had Sherlock's name on them.

"Yeah, he gave me that to look after," John tried to explain, but the lady wasn't having any of it. She dug through his wallet again and pulled out the tickets from the circus.

"Tickets from the theatre, collected by you, name of Holmes," she argued back, still smirking at him. Anita went to open her mouth but John beat her to it.

"Yes, okay... I realize what this looks like, but I'm not him," John stated.

"We heard it from your own mouth," the woman responded. Anita shared a glance with John, befuddled.

"What?" Anita asked, leaning forward in her chair slightly. The women sent a glare her way, but answered.

"I am Sherlock Holmes and I always work alone because no one can compete with my massive intellect," she repeated back to them. Anita hung her head, trying to think of a way out. John was shaking his head and chuckling.

"I suppose there's no use in me trying to persuade you I was doing an impression," John said and the woman raised a gun and pointed it at John.

"I am Shan," she stated.

"You're... you're Shan," John said as he stared at her.

"Three times we tried to kill you and your companions, Mr. Holmes. What does it tell you when an assassin cannot shoot straight?" she asked as she cocked the pistol. John cringed back, and turned his head away. Anita had begun to struggle out of her bonds, causing some serious rope burn, but she wasn't concerned about that at the moment.

"Don't you dare!" Anita demanded, trying to get the gun pointed at her rather than at John. The woman just ignored her. She tightened her finger on the trigger as John stared at it, face full of terror. She pulled the trigger.


John grunted in shock as Shan smiled smugly. Anita let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and leaned back in her chair.

"It tells you that they're not really trying," she finished as John started to breath heavily, trying to calm down. Shan then slid a clip in the pistol, cocked it, and aimed it at John again.

"If we wanted to kill you, Mr. Holmes, we would have done it by now. We just wanted to make you inquisitive. Do you have it?" she asked John. Now that a full pistol was being pointed at John, Anita had to get Shan's attention on her.

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