SIX- Date Crashers

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The next day, in the afternoon, Sherlock and Anita were still working through the crates. Around two in the morning Anita had fallen asleep, but she was awake again by ten. John had left earlier to go to work and would be back soon.

"A book that everybody would own," Sherlock mumbled as he pulled out the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, the Holy Bible, and another book Anita couldn't see the title of. He looked through the three books as Anita kept digging through her crate. Sherlock glanced at her and figured now would be the best time to bring it up.

"How's your side, Anita?" Anita looked up from her crate questioningly. She narrowed her eyes at him, having a feeling there was an underlying message in there somewhere.

"Fine. After I took some painkillers-" she had started to say but Sherlock interrupted.

"I wasn't talking about your injuries. You knew that," Sherlock explained. Anita huffed at him, and opened a book trying to ignore him. Sherlock walked over and took the book away from her.

"Anita. You need to talk about it-" Sherlock argued but Anita wasn't having any of it.

"No! I really don't. Sherlock, it was ten years ago. I'm fine." She grabbed her book from Sherlock. He sighed, grabbing her wrist.

"Anita, if you just ignore the problem, it's not going to go away," Sherlock stated, looking into her eyes. They had started to water a bit, but she refused to cry. Anita tugged her hand away gently. She sighed and nodded.

"I'm okay, I promise. I don't think about him that often anyways," Anita shrugged, patting Sherlock on the shoulder. Her silent way of thanking him for his concern. Sherlock's face furrowed at this but he let it go. For now. The door opened and John walked in, back from his shift. Anita quickly wiped at her face, and smiled at John.

"I need to get some air. We're going out tonight," Sherlock announced, though when the door opened Anita's hand fell off his shoulder. He suddenly felt very, very, cold and like he was missing something.

"Actually, I've, er, got a date," John responded. Anita gasped and walked over to John.

"You asked Sarah out? Oh my God," she said, really proud and happy for John. John going on a date would be the perfect distraction for her.

"Where are you taking her?" Sherlock asked, sulking in the process. Anita narrowed her eyes at his tone, but let it go. Sherlock wasn't good with emotions.

"The cinema," John replied.

"Oh, dull, boring, predictable," Sherlock remarked. Anita huffed and mumbled about how she liked the cinema, but walked over to Sherlock's coat and reached into the pocket. She pulled out a piece of paper and pointed at Sherlock.

"You mumble while you think. Here you go, John," Anita said, handing the piece of paper to John. John looked at the paper and saw that it was advertising the Yellow Dragon Circus and that there was a telephone number for the Box Office.

"In London for one night only," Sherlock explained. John chuckled as he looked back up at Sherlock and Anita. They were playing matchmaker and John found it ironic.

"I'll have Sherlock reserve tickets for you and Sarah," Anita bargained, hoping John would take the deal.

"Okay, I'll try it," John agreed.

"Excellent!" Anita cheered happily.

Later, John had gone to get ready for his date and Sherlock had called the circus and reserved tickets. Anita had taken a break from looking through books and was making tea for them.

"You and I are going to the circus as well," Sherlock said as he walked into the room. Anita turned to him and just stared.

"What? Why?"

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