FIVE- The Dangers of Attachment

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After arriving at the museum, the group of three met up with Andy again. Anita and John had started to wake up more now that they had something to do, like running all around London.

"Two men who travelled back to China were murdered, and their killer left them messages in the Hangzhou numerals," Sherlock explained to Andy.

"Soo Lin Yao's in danger. Now, that chiper- it was just the same pattern as the others, he means to kill her as well," Anita continued. Andy looked between the three of them, clearly upset by this news.

"Look, I've tried everywhere: um, friends, colleagues. I-I don't know where she's gone. I mean, she could be thousands of miles away," Andy said exasperatedly.

Sherlock turned his head away, and suddenly he focused on the display case with the teapots. The same one he saw earlier.

"What are you looking at?" asked John.

"Tell me more about those teapots," Sherlock addressed Andy, ignoring John.

"Th-the pots were her obsession. Um, they need urgent work. If- if they dry out, then the clay can start to crumble. Apparently, you have to keep making tea," Andy explained as Sherlock bent down to look closer at the shelf.

"Anita, come here," Sherlock called and she walked on his side.

"Notice anything?" he asked, turning his head to look at her. Anita's face scrunched up as she looked at the pots before it hit her.

"Yesterday, only one of those pots were shining. Now there's two," Anita explained, loud enough for John and Andy to hear as well. Sherlock hummed, and Anita felt very proud at that moment. Though, whenever he gave his little hums or noises of appreciation, Anita always felt very special.

Later that night, John, Anita, and Sherlock were leaning against a wall, watching Soo Lin do her things with the teapots. It amazed Anita just as much had it had the first time she saw it. Sherlock had started to walk slowly toward her.

"Fancy a biscuit?" he asked. Soo Lin gasped in fright, which caused her to drop the teapot from her hands. Luck for her, Sherlock had fast reflexes and he grabbed the pot before it shattered on the floor. He looked up at her.

"Centuries old. Don't wanna break that," Sherlock straightened up and handed the pot back to her. John and Anita came up behind Sherlock and Anita flicked the switch on the desk, turning the lights underneath the surface on.

"Hello," Sherlock said, smiling slightly at Soo Lin.

"You saw the chiper. Then you know he is coming for me," Soo Lin frightfully answered. Anita and John were sitting on stools on one side, while Sherlock sat at the end of the table. Soo Lin sat on the opposite side.

"You've been clever to avoid him so far," Sherlock stated.

"I had to finish... to finish this work. It's only a matter of time. I know he will find me," she said, frowning. Anita huffed. She didn't want this young girl to die. Not on her watch.

"Who is he? Have you met him before?" Anita asked, trying to get the most information she could. Soo Lin nodded.

"When I was a girl, living back in China. I recognize his... signature."

"The cipher," Sherlock said.

"Only he would do this. Zhi Zhu," Soo Lin explained.

"Zhi Zhu?" John chimed in.

"The spider," Anita answered, a soft smile on her face. When she was younger, her father had tried to teach her a bunch of languages. French, Latin, Spanish, etcetera. Only funny little words stuck with Anita though. Like spider or pipe. Funny little things her brain focused on at a young age.

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